Places to see in ( Regensburg - Germany ) Alte Kapelle
Places to see in ( Regensburg - Germany ) Alte Kapelle
The Basilica of the Nativity of Our Lady also Basilica of the Nativity of Our Lady to the Ancient Chapel or Alten Kapelle It is the oldest catholic place of worship in Bavaria and one of the most important churches in the city of Regensburg, in the south of Germany.
The collegiate church and smaller basilica is part of an old abbey dedicated to the Virgin founded by the emperor Henry II, ruler of the Holy Roman Empire in the 1002. With a baroque style of the 18th century, it is one of the masterpieces of the rococo decoration in Europe, in the style dictated by the School of renown Wessobrunn.
A first chapel was built by order of Charlemagne in the place where, according to tradition, the Roman temple dedicated to Juno was built. The chapel which was built after the fall of the Roman Empire of the West seems to have been the oldest in Bavaria and this earned it the nickname Alte Kappelle, the «Old Chapel». In 1964, at the suggestion of Bishop Rudolf Graber, the Collegiate Church of Our Lady of the Old Chapel was elevated to a smaller basilica by Pope Paul VI.
( Regensburg - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Regensburg. Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Regensburg - Germany
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Alte Kapelle - Regensburg UNESCO Welterbe
Tour of Alte Kapelle in Regensburg, Germany
Take a look inside one of the most stunning buildings in Regensburg, Deutschland.
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Alte Kapelle Regensburg, Deutschland
2019 10 07 Alte Kapelle, Regensburg
Hauptfest der Gebetsgemeinschaft Lebendiger Rosenkranz in der Alten Kapelle Regensburg. Hl. Messe mit Domvikar Georg Schwager und Konzelebranten. Nach der hl. Messe Prozession zum Gnadenbild der Muttergottes in der Gnadenkapelle. Anschließend Möglichkeit, sich das Skapulier auflegen zu lassen.
Regensburg Germany - Alte Kapelle- 11/4/15
Alte Kapelle
Regensburg: la Alte Kapelle
Germany: Alte Kapelle zu Regensburg 2012-03-20(Tue)0808hrs
Old Chapel of Regensburg.
Regensburg, Alte Kapelle: Plenum
Disposition: d´ fis´ a´ h´ (d´ klingt tief)
Motiv: Salve Regina
Gießer: Gl. 1 von Johann Florido, Straubing 1777. Gl. 2 von Fridericus 1247. Gl. 3 von Perner, Passau 1971. Gl. 4
aus dem 13. Jahrhundert.
Die Stiftskirche zur Alten Kapelle, befindet sich am Kornmarkt zwischen Niedermünster St. Erhard, und dem Karmelitenklosters St. Joseph.
Die vor wenigen Jahren renovierte Kirche kann etwas besonderes anbieten, mit viel Malereien und Stuckdeko, sowie dem Deckenfresko des Altarraumes.
Im Jahr 2006 kam eine Neue Orgel, die dem heiligen Vater Papst Benedikt geweiht ist. In diesem Jahr konnte er diese Neue Orgel weihen.
Anspruchsvoll sind natürlich auch die Lateinischen Hochämtern an jeden Sonntag im Kirchenjahres.
Alle vier Glocken läuten jeden Sonntag zum Gottesdienst.
Aufnahmedatum: So, 31.03.2008 um 9:10 zum lateinischen Hochamt um 9:15.
Day 13 เที่ยว Regensburg Germany #ธอธีร์OnTourEurope
Day 13 เที่ยว Regensburg Germany #ธอธีร์OnTourEurope เที่ยวยุโรป เที่ยวEurope
Regensburg (Germany) Visit Rathaus (city hall) 德國雷根斯堡 參觀市政廳紀實
Churches of Regensburg Germany
A few of the Catholic Churches in the city center of Regensburg Germany. The hometown of Pope Benedict. The landmark of Regensburg, the Dome St. Peter has impressive colourful stained glass windows from the 13th and 14th century, It is the main and the greatest Gothic cathedral in Bavaria. The building works started as early as 1260.
Herb Weidner Die Alte Kapelle zu Regensburg
Bilder aus der Alten Kapelle zu Regensburg. Music für Geige,Cello und Cembalo in fis-moll op.1157TSvar. Am Cembalo : Herb Weidner
Regensburg im Weihnachtsfieber - 2.Teil | Made in Germany
Die Vorbereitungen für den Regensburger Weihnachtsmarkt laufen auf Hochtouren. Viele Entscheidungen müssen schnell getroffen werden und beim Aufbau der Stände darf jetzt nichts mehr schief gehen.In der zweiten Folge unserer Serie „Regensburg im Weihnachtsfieber Geschäft mit Tradition begleiten wir den Unternehmer Peter Kittel. Bereits zum achten Mal veranstaltet er den Traditionsmarkt und auch diesmal will er kräftig Umsatz machen. Kittel ist im Dauerstress: unter 20 Bewerberinnen muss er ein Christkind aussuchen. Währenddessen wird im fürstlichen Forst mit dem traditionellen Halali der Weihnachtsbaum gefällt und in die Stadt gebracht. Wird er dort heile ankommen? Und wie sieht es aus beim Hutmacher,der für die Fürstin Gloria von Thurn und Taxis einen ganz besonderen Hut anfertigt? Carmen Meyer und Ute Schneider waren dabei.
Seewen SZ - Alte Kapelle
Die alte Kapelle von Seewen diente als Pfarrkirche bis zum Bau der neuen Pfarrkirche St. Maria im Krummfeld.
Die Kapelle, die von der Grösse her eher als Kirche bezeichnet werden kann, ist von grossem historischen Wert und steht heute unter Schutz des Kantons Schwyz und der Eidgenossenschaft. Aufgrund einer Marienerscheinung wurde die Kirche eine Zeit lang als Wallfahrtskirche frequentiert.
Ihr Chor - ein Überbleibsel der Vorgängerkirche - ist gotisch. Das Kirchenschiff wurde in den Jahren 1642-44 erbaut. Um 1682 wurde der Glockenturm erhöht. Die reiche filigrane Stuckierung im Inneren ist spätbarock und entstand in den Jahren 1772-75. Die prächtigen Deckengemälde und die barocke Altargruppe verleihen dem Kirchenraum ein wahrhaft festliches Inneres.
D: Regensburg. Fahrt von Lappersdorfer Str. bis B8 Richtung Passau. September 2018
Stadt Regensburg. Oberpfalz. Bayern. Bavaria. Fahrt von Lappersdorfer Str. bis B8 Richtung Passau. September 2018
Places to see in ( Regensburg - Germany ) Scots Portal
Places to see in ( Regensburg - Germany ) Scots Portal
The most famous architectural element of the church is its north portal (the Schottenportal), which occupies a full third of the north wall, and is richly decorated with both ornamental and figural sculptures. The proper interpretation of this sculptural program has been debated since the beginning of the 19th century. In the 1990s it was suggested that only the tympanum, archivolt, and jambs formed an original composition of the 12th century, while the remaining portions of the Schottenportal were assembled from spolia during the Renaissance. While this theory would have absolved art historians of the duty of interpreting the program as a unified whole, it has not met with wide acceptance. Indeed, a thorough examination of the structure seems to have demonstrated conclusively that the entire portal was assembled in the late 12th century, simultaneously with the construction of the second church.
The portal is divided into thirds both horizontally and vertically. At the lowest level, the door is framed at the center by richly decorated jambs, at each side of which stands a flat field interspersed with various relief sculptures. The second level is occupied by the tympanum and archivolt at the center and by blind arcades with caryatids at right and left. At the top, a frieze showing Christ with the twelve apostles stands at the middle, while figureless blind arcades stand at either side. The interpretation of the tympanum is relatively uncontroversial: it portrays Christ, at the center, flanked by Sts. James and John. Numerous explanations for the remaining figures have been proposed; here only that of Richard Strobel has been presented.
There are various indications that the left side, as one faces the portal, is more highly regarded than the right. Its entablature carries a rich interlace, while that at right is undecorated; the arcade in the middle zone is filled by a row of human heads, while that at right is filled with those of animals. The central sculpture in the lowest zone at left, which is set on a throne and projects significantly from the ground, clearly represents Mary with the Christ child; the former, as the new Eve, holds an apple, while the latter holds the book of life. The reliefs at either side show human figures caressing each other, that is, in attitudes of harmony. The corresponding central figure on the lowest zone at right, on the other hand, is bracketed by aggressive, hostile beasts; this may represent the Antichrist.
However, if the central figures at left and right are understood to stand for good and evil, respectively, the reliefs beneath them seem to represent a reversal of the situation. At left, a dragon is shown swallowing a lion, while at the lowermost level a siren appears, a symbol of temptation. At right, a crocodile is shown swalling a hydrus, wrapped in a ball of clay. According to a medieval legend, the hydrus, once inside, would destroy the crocodile from within; the story was understood to represent the Harrowing of Hell. At the lowermost level monks are depicted with gospel books in hand, thus pilgrims and missionaries. Therefore, if the central figures at left are auspicious, while those at right carry negative connotations, the exact opposite situation prevails at the lowest levels.
( Regensburg - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Regensburg. Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Regensburg - Germany
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Kirchliche Trauung von Eva und Dominik in Regensburg
Musikalischer Ausmarsch nach der kirchlichen Trauung von Eva und Dominik aus der Kirche St. Albertus Magnus zur nahegelegenen Hochzeitsfeier...
Top Tourist Attractions in Regensburg: Travel Guide Bavaria, Germany
Top Tourist Attractions in Regensburg: Travel Guide Bavaria, Germany
Old Town, Old Stone Bridge, Cathedral of St Peter's, Alte Kapelle, Altes Rathaus, Goliathhaus, Historisches Museum, Haidplatz Square, St. Emmeram Church, Golf Museum
Regensburg Germany - St. Peter Cathedral - 11/4/15