Life in a day (6)
Raw material for
7:18-7:57 With Ilya & Yasha
From Seminary to the Intercession (Pokrov) Cathedral through Old city of Samara, where old houses and new buildings are mixed.
В Волгоградской области продолжается реставрация Покровского кафедрального собора
В Волгоградской области продолжается реставрация Покровского кафедрального собора. Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы - главный храм Урюпинской епархии, здесь находится главная святыня Волго-Донского края - Урюпинская икона Божией Матери.
Братья и сестры!
Примите участие в молитве по соглашению о восстановлении Кафедрального собора Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы г.Урюпинска Волгоградской обл.!
Ежедневно в 20.30 мы возносим молитву о восстановлении Кафедрального собора Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы, где находится великая святыня Волгоградской обл. Урюпинская икона Божией Матери!
Вы можете внести свою лепту на реконструкцию храма!
403114, Волгоградская область, г.Урюпинск, ул.Малопесчаная, д.61, тел.: 8(84442) 3-68-15, факс 8(84442) 3-72-54
ИНН 3438003240, КПП 343801001, ОГРН 1023400011711, ОКПО 414773532,
ОКАТО 18425000000, ОКОГУ 62000, ОКВЭД 91.31, ОКФС 54, ОКОПФ 83
Урюпинский филиал ПАО КБ «Сельмашбанк» г. Урюпинск
БИК 041817774, р/с 40703810500080000082, к/с 30101810600000000774
Молитва по соглашению приносит великую пользу, так как идет особо усиленная молитва!
«Истинно также говорю вам, что если двое из вас согласятся на земле просить о всяком деле, то, чего бы ни попросили, будет им от Отца Моего Небесного, ибо, где двое или трое собраны во имя Мое, там Я посреди них» (Мф. 18, 19-20)
Молитва по соглашению:
Господи, Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, Ты бо рекл еси пречистыми усты Твоими: «Аминь глаголю вам, яко аще два от вас совещаета на земли о всякой вещи, еяже аще просита, будет има от Отца Моего, Иже на Небесех. Идеже бо еста два или трие собрани во имя Мое, ту есмь посреде их». Непреложны словеса Твоя, Господи, милосердие Твое безприкладно и человеколюбию Твоему несть конца. Сего ради молим Тя: даруй нам, рабам Твоим, согласившимся просить Тя о еже скоро благоустроитися и благоукраситеся Кафедральному собору Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы, исполнения нашего прошения. Но обаче не якоже мы хотим, но якоже Ты. Да будет во веки воля Твоя. Аминь.
Православный телеканал «Союз» на сегодняшний день вещает в 119 странах мира. В 73 субъектах Российской Федерации и странах ближнего зарубежья вещание осуществляется с помощью спутников «Ямал201» и Eutelsat W-4, а также при помощи системы «Триколор-ТВ». На страны Европы, Ближнего Востока, Северной Африки и Северной Америки вещание ведется со спутников «HotBird-6», «Galaxy-19». Кроме того, ТК «Союз» присутствует в кабельных сетях более 1250 городах России – от Калининграда до Камчатки. В интернет-сети нас смотрят по всему миру.
Да снизойдет на Вас Божия благодать!
Приход храма Святого праведного Иоанна Кронштадтского Чудотворца. Волгоград. Россия.
Братья и сестры! Просвещайтесь, распространяйте, подписывайтесь -
Life in a day (9)
Raw material for
9:51-9:57, after Divine Liturgy, the Intercession (Pokrov) Cathedral of Samara
Sermon and cossacks
Word of Life Saratov (Wolic) 2015 Praise Through Invite
Life in a day (12)
Raw material for
10:14-10:35, the Intercession (Pokrov) Cathedral of Samara
Painter and worshippers
Life in a day (10)
Raw material for
10:01-10:04, the Intercession (Pokrov) Cathedral of Samara, view from a balcony choir
We thought that we would sing the moleben (service of supplication) more and i had a chance to stroll around the Cathedral
Women's group praying in Aguacate, Guatemala
The women of Aguacate, Guatemala, gather several times each week to pray in the Orthodox church. The priest, Fr. Evangelos, says that they work extremely hard and the weekly prayer group is one of the most important forms of release that they have. For more info on the Orthodox parishes of Guatemala, see
Video recorded by J. Samara in March of 2014 and is used here with permission.
Россия: Ярославль / Russia: Yaroslavl
Улицы, площади, набережная Волги, церкви, Спасо-Преображенский монастырь /
Yaroslavl, located 250 kilometers northeast of Moscow, is believed to have been founded in 1010. The historic part of the city is a World Heritage Site.
Москва: Крутицкое подворье / Moscow: The Krutitsy Metochion
Москва: Юсуповский дворец / Moscow: Yusupov palace
Москва: Новоспасский монастырь/Moscow: Novospassky Monastery
Россия: Тульский кремль / Russia: Tula Kremlin
Россия: Ростов Великий / Russia: Rostov Veliky
Хотьково: Покровский монастырь / Russia: Intercession convent in Khotkovo
Life in a day (13)
Raw material for
10:39, deparure from the Intercession (Pokrov) Cathedral of Samara
We have learned that there would be no moleben after Liturgy.
Life in a day (8)
Raw material for
8:12-8:34, the Intercession (Pokrov) Cathedral
Before the Divine Liturgy and start of it.
The Seminarian choir conducted by Father Superior Nikon. Father Superior doesn't like when i film during the singing.
Life in a day (11)
Raw material for
10:09, the Intercession (Pokrov) Cathedral of Samara, in the belfry
Kizhi and Petrozavodsk Alexp02's photos around Petrozavodsk, Russia (trip kizhi island)
Preview of Alexp02's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here:
This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator.
Entry from: Petrozavodsk, Russia
Entry Title: Kizhi and Petrozavodsk
Hello -- I'm writing an entry from somewhere other than St. Petersburg, it's been a while since I've done that. I decided to take a trip to Kizhi, an island on Lake Onega (the second largest lake in Europe), about 450km northeast of St. Petersburg, known for am impressive collection of wooden churches and houses made without the use of nails. I was originally planning to go with a friend, but the timing didn't work out, so I decided to just go on my own. Tuesday morning, I bought overnight train tickets to/from Petrozavodsk, a city on the shores of Lake Onega. From Petrozavodsk, you catch a 1.25 hour ferry ride to the actual island of Kizhi. I took the train later that night, again in a kupe compartment. There was only one other guy, probably in his 50s, in my compartment. Nice guy, we talked for a while about languages and Russia, but he snored really loudly at night, so I didn't get as much sleep as I would have hoped. Getting to Petrozavodsk at around 7am, I walked from the train station to the ferry terminal, probably about 3 kilometers away. I got tickets for the 9am ferry, which gave me a return ferry of 1:15pm, meaning we were given 3 hours on the island itself. Since the price of admission to the Kizhi Museum-Reserve for a foreigner was more than 5 times the price for a Russian (95 v. 500 rubles, or $3.50 v. $19), I decided to try my luck as a Russian. I almost inaudibly muttered One under my breath as I handed the cashier a 100 ruble bill and it worked out! The place itself is pretty amazing, especially the first complex of two churches (Transfiguration Church and Church of the Intercession) and a belltower. It's really amazing that these two churches were constructed without using a single nail. I'll post some pictures along with this entry (the only problem was the weather -- no sun all day). Some of the old wooden buildings were actually built on Kizhi (like the two churches mentioned above) while others were transported there from around the region. In one of the other smaller churches, a guy was giving a concert every once in a while playing the church bells. Again, this whole thing was somewhat similar to what I saw at Taltsy and also outside of Ulan-Ude. After walking around for a couple of hours, I still had some time left, so I left the southern part of the island where most of the tourists stay and walked up a bit to the middle, where there is a village called Yamka. It seemed to be a mix of an actual village where people live along with some other old wooden buildings transported from other places in the region. I saw a lady washing her dishes, etc. in the lake (which definitely is not nearly as clear as Baikal). Oh, there are also supposedly poisonous snakes on the island, which they warn you about after you buy your ticket, but luckily I didn't run into any. After taking the ferry back, I got some lunch and walked around for a bit. Petrozavodsk is OK, nothing too special, but there is a nice waterfront area along the lake. The weather wasn't great either, as it was drizzling for a while. So here I am in an internet cafe, my train doesn't leave until 11pm tonight and I get back to St. Pete before 8am tomorrow. I can't believe that I fly home in a week, the time has gone by so quickly!
Read and see more at:
Photos from this trip:
1. Petrozavodsk Monument and Lake Onega
2. Kizhi Landscape
3. Further Away Church on Kizhi Island
4. The Fisherman
5. Two Main Churches in Kizhi
6. Two Churches, Belltower, and House in Kizhi
7. Transfiguration Church
8. Kizhi Buildings and Windmill
9. Church with Bell-Player
See this TripWow and more at
Life in a day (7)
Raw material for
8:01-8:31, in the Intercession (Pokrov) Cathedral of Samara
Before the Divine Liturgy. Reading the Hours.
Life in a day (28)
Raw material for
15:34-16:03, in the Pantanassa (Queen of All) Chapel
the sacrament of Baptism and after it.
John the Baptist's mural in the altar.
Life in a day (25)
Raw material for
14:30, at the Intercession (Pokrov) Cathedral area, by the Pantanassa (Queen of All) Chapel
We - Alyosha, Yasha and i - got a job to sing here during the sacrament of Baptism.
Purcell's If music be the food of life was my ringtone that week. Tenor Yasha didn't like it. I've got a message from my fiancee that her grandma got into a hospital. The surgery was performed upon her hernia that day. Now she's fine.
Life in a day (14)
Raw material for
10:56, at the Intercession (Pokrov) Cathedral area
Waiting for a car we arranged a little sing of pieces that we would sing in 4 hours here in the Pantanassa (Queen of All) Chapel during the sacrament of Baptism. Then boys and father Nikon went to Seminary and i went half a way to home with them.