132.The monument to Manshuk Mametova and Aliya Moldagulova
Many citizens of Kazakhstan took part in the battles of the World War II and died there.
Each family cherishes the memory of the family hero. More than one million people from Kazakhstan fought at the front lines. Aliya Moldagulova (1925-1943) and Manshuk Mametova (1922-1943), the heroes of the Soviet Union, were among the fighters. The memorial honoring their deeds of arms was erected in the garden near “Astana” square in 1997.
The authors’ team consisted of sculptor Satybaldin K.K., architects T. Yeraliyev, V. Sidorov, designer M.E. Yerkenov. Sculptor Baymagambetov S.K. was the head of the team. There are two main characters of the monument. Those are bronze figures of two girls in military uniform. They are shown walking at a smart pace. The memorial stands on a rectangular basement. The story shown in the sculpture is simple and understandable for anybody. Two young girls Aliya and Manshuk combat for peace and died. There are names of Aliya and Manshuk engraved at the monument.
The composition called “Peace” is a logical addition to the monument. The monument is crowned by the globe. There are figures of three playing kids and birds.
Nursultan Nazarbayev, the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan, visited the monument’s opening ceremony. The monument is under state protection from 2001.
DIMASH “Aliya” The song about Great Patriotic War sniper ❤ Песня «Алия» o героe Советского Союзa
The song “Aliya” is dedicated to the hero of the Soviet Union Aliya Moldagulova, a Great Patriotic War sniper who died defending Soviet Motherland at age 18 in winter 1944. The streets in Moscow, Almaty, Astana, Uralsk and in many parts of the former USSR are named after Aliya Moldagulova. But there is another living monument to Alia - the song. With a sinking heart everyone listens to her, from small to large, she has been sounding through times and epochs for four decades now.
The first song Aliya was performed by Tlektes Nurmagambetov with the ensemble Gulder. The composition had a different arrangement, and even a different tonality.
Words of Bakir Tazhibayev. The melody for the song Aliya was composed by composer Seydulla Baiterekov. The authors of the words and music, as well as the main performer of the song Roza Rymbaeva, received the title of laureates of the TV festival Song-77. Also in 1977, at the Golden Orpheus festival in Bulgaria, Roza Rymbaeva won the Grand Prix of the competition with the song Alia. Thanks to Aliya and Rosa's rare lyric soprano, the Kazakh language resounded throughout Eastern Europe.
The underlying story is a confirmed historical fact, those interested can see more here :
Песня «Алия» посвящена герою Советского Союза Алие Молдагуловой, снайперу Великой Отечественной войны, которая погибла, защищая Советскую Родину в возрасте 18 лет зимой 1944 года.
Имя Алии Молдагуловой носят улицы в Москве, Алматы, Астане, Уральске и во многих уголках бывшего СССР. Но есть еще один живой памятник Алие — песня. Ее с замиранием сердца слушают все от мала до велика, она звучит сквозь времена и эпохи, вот уже четыре десятилетия.
Первым песню Алия исполнил Тлектес Нурмагамбетов с ансамблем Гульдер. У композиции была другая аранжировка, и даже другая тональность.
Слова к песне Алия написал Бакир Тажибаев. Мелодию сочинил композитор Сейдулла Байтереков. Авторы слов и музыки, а также главная исполнительница песни Роза Рымбаева получили звание лауреатов телефестиваля Песня-77. В том же 1977 году на фестивале Золотой Орфей в Болгарии Роза Рымбаева с песней Алия получила Гран-при конкурса. Казахский язык благодаря Алие и редкостному лирическому сопрано Розы зазвучал по всей восточной Европе.
Oсновная история - подтвержденные исторические факты, заинтересованные могут прочитать здесь:
//ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Молдаг ...
#ДимашПесняАлия #ThesongAliya #AliyaMoldagulova #aGreatPatrioticWarsniper #theherooftheSovietUnion #TlektesNurmagambetov #BakirTazhibayev #SeydullaBaiterekov #RozaRymbaeva #геройСоветскогоСоюза #снайперВеликойОтечественнойвойны #АлияМолдагулова #ТлектесНурмагамбетов #БакирТажибаев #СейдуллаБайтереков #РозаРымбаева #ДимашКудайберген #DimashKudaibergen #Казахстан #DimashQudaibergen #DimashReaction #DQ #dimash #dimashkudaibergen #thesinger #singer #superstar #bestvoice #bestsinger #music #video #videos #qazaqstan #певец #видео #музыка #solo #solist #қазақстан #Құдайберген #әнші #迪玛希 #歌手
175.The Old Square
The group of buildings around Astana Square in the center of Almaty gives us an idea of the history of a city’s architecture.
The government center of the Republic was found in Almaty between 1920 and 1930 after the capital of Kazakhstan moved from Kyzyl Orda to Almaty.
The Cossack Square of old Almaty was planned to be transformed into the Red Square in accordance with a layout plan. But those plans couldn’t be realized because of the start of The Great Patriotic War. The process of reconstruction was renewed in 1950th. The Lenin Square was built instead of the Red Square. The numerous parades, meetings, and demonstrations, so popular during the Soviet times, were held on the square between 1957 and 1980.
Nowadays the square is a place for national celebrations. People can enjoy the concerts of different music bands during the holidays.
There is a monument in the center of the park near the Government House. It was build in favor of two hero ladies Manshuk Mametova and Aliya Moldagulova who died at the Great Patriotic War.
The squire’s landscape is designed in French style with its elegant straight geometric lines, which can be observed in the design of KBTU.
Kazakhstan: Almaty Statues At A Glance Part I (Статуи в Алматы) - DiDi's Adventures Episode 8
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