Experience the variety of the colombian nature. From the highest coastal mountain range in the world to glacier Pico Bolivar you get the chance to discover the most unique places. Duration 6 days.
Beautiful Tayrona Beach | Tayrona | Tayrona National Park | Santa Marta | Colombia
Beautiful Tayrona Beach | Tayrona | Santa Marta | Colombia
Santa Marta Trip Expenditures | Santa Marta, Colombia
Google Doc for Santa Marta Trip Expenditures: Santa Marta Coastings:
May 2017 Medellin Expenditures: Google Doc for May 2017 Medellin Expenditures:
Let's take a look at how much it costs to visit Santa Marta, Rodadero, Taganga, Tayrona Park, Buritaca, Minca, and Palamino.
This video includes daily expenditures, top expenses, AirBnB prices, and grand total.
Feel free to check out the Santa Marta vacation video and also the May 2017 Expenditures that includes this Santa Marta trip.
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LO QUE DEBES VISITAR EN SANTA MARTA | CaminanTr3s, El tercero eres tú!
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En el séptimo día en Santa Marta se empezaba a notar el agotamiento pero igual las ganas de conocer y llevarnos las mejores experiencias seguían. Amanecimos en el hostal Masía Summer Hostel listos para iniciar una nueva aventura. Arrancamos hacia el parque natural Taironaka que queda más o menos a 70 kilómetros de Taganga. Allí conocimos un poco más de los taironas, su forma de vivir y su cultura. Después de degustar un delicioso almuerzo disfrutamos del río Don Diego, una maravilla natural sin igual. Lo navegamos hasta su desembocadura por pasajes increíbles. Al llegar al final del río encontramos una maravilla que nos dejó con atónitos.
On the seventh day in Santa Marta the exhaustion began to be notorious, but the desire of having and taking the best experiences were there. We woke up in the Masia Summer Hostel ready to start a new adventure. We departed to the natural park Taironaka that is located around 70 kilometers away from Taganga. There we met a bit more of the tayronas, their way of living and their culture. After having a delicious lunch we enjoyed of the river Don Diego, an unequaled natural wonder. We sailed it to its mouth crossing by amazing passages. When we arrived to its end we found a marvel that left us stunts.
Music from Epidemic Sound (
Desembocadura del Rio Don Diego en el Mar Caribe.
Durante nuestro paseo a la Finca Anaconda, ubicada a 1 km del Rio Don Diego sobre la vía que va de Santa Marta a Riohacha.
El Rio Don Diego baja de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta con sus aguas frias y cristalinas y desemboca en el Mar Caribe