The Best of New York City
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This video is a 2 Minute Montage of all things awesome about New York City. I've added time and links below to almost every photo location you see.
0:01 - Roosevelt Island Tram
0:02 - Mosaic in the Spring Street Subway Station
0:03 - Brooklyn Bridge
0:06 - South of Pier 34 (west side of Manhattan island)
0:08 YouTuber Casey Neistat's location 368 Broadway
0:08 - Walking over the Brooklyn Bridge (link above)
0:09 - Ghost Buster's Building 14 N Moore St, New York, NY 10013
0:10 - View from the 19th Floor of the Courtyard Marriott
0:12 Walking down the Hudson River Greenway, New York
0:17 View from the One World Observatory
0:19 View at Times Square
0:19 Chinatown
0:20 Little Italy
0:22 One World Trade Center
0:26 Touring with Real New York Tour Guides
0:27 Stock Exchange
0:29 Triangle Shirt Waist Factory (The Brown Building, originally known as the Asch Building) with it's gruesome past:
0:29 Cafe Wha Greenwich Village
0:32 Minetta Street in Greenwich Village (a historic creek runs under it)
0:33 Smallest (and most expensive) real estate transaction in Manhatten The newest owner of New York City's narrowest house at 75 1/2 Bedford Street is one George Gund. The Post reports that Gund paid $3.25 million for the property. The home has a long history of famous residents, from Cary Grant to Edna St. Vincent Millay
0:34 - 0:36 Grove Court - this is a secret little pocket of delight in the West Village that is guaranteed to produce the best reactions when people unknowingly stumble upon it. Whether it be a gasp, a pleasant shriek or squeal.
0:39 Jefferson Market Library
0:40 Washington Square Park
0:41 Central Park
0:42 China Town
0:43 - 0:44 The CRONUT at Dominique Ansel in SOHO
0:45 - 0:47 Central Park
0:48 Fountain outside of 1251 6th Ave, New York, NY 10020
0:49 Central Park
0:50 Rockefeller Center (rink and restuarants)
0:52 Infront of Grand Central Terminal with the Chrysler building in the background
0:53 LeBrun's 1894 Engine Company No. 14 - 14 East 18th Street
0:54 Empire State Building
0:56 Chrysler Building from the 22nd floor of the New York Marriott East Side
1:00 Bethesda Fountain at Central Park
1:04 Flat Iron Building
1:06 - 1: 11 View from the Roosevelt Island Tram
1:15 - 1:23 Views from Roosevelt Island
1:24 The Frozen Hot Chocolate from Serendipity
1:26 Grand Central Terminal
1:30 Bryant Park
1:32 Empire State Building
1:43 Trinity Church
1:44 New York Stock Exchange
1:51 Central Park
1:55 - 2:00 Roosevelt Island
Wheels up! Carrie
Wall St Tower Penthouse Manchester, NH - LAER Realty Partners - Peter Beauchemin & Associates
555 Canal St Penthouse Manchester, NH- Fully furnished & discerningly decorated lavish luxury penthouse enclosed in glass & perched atop the 17th floor of the Wall St Tower comprised of over 10,000 sq ft of unparalleled panoramic views of the City of Manchester, Mount Uncanoonuc, Merrimack River & Amoskeag Falls. Off the elevator you enter the concrete foyer with cascading 20 foot water fall, through the vast revolving glass door into the tranquil garden & down the black walnut gallery with 1/2 bath to the professional grade gourmet kitchen with 12 person island, custom hood, high end appliances & privacy screens that open to the massive living space utilized as game room, entertaining space with incredible bar, dining room, living room with gas fireplace & private theater with seating for 6 & pull out murphy bed. The 2000 sq ft master suite encompasses nearly the entire 2nd floor suspended over the main living space with gas travertine fireplace, his & hers dressing rooms & master bathroom with sauna, shower, concrete sinks & soaking tub, spa with exercise area, hot tub & 3/4 bath, 2 gorgeous guest bedrooms with private well-appointed bathrooms, whole house integration system with audio, automatic blinds, central A/C & 3 parking garage spots all situated in highly desirable security building with concierge. Truly the height of elegance this amazing property has been featured in The Robb Report, NH Home Magazine, Boston & NH Chronicle! To fully experience this space please see 3D model & floorplan!
Bronx High School of Science | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:54 1 Name
00:02:25 2 History
00:02:34 2.1 Founding
00:03:45 2.2 Expansion to co-education
00:05:18 2.3 Move to modern facilities
00:08:46 2.4 Recent administration
00:11:34 3 Enrollment
00:11:43 3.1 Entrance examination
00:12:45 3.2 Student body
00:13:26 4 Facilities and resources
00:16:36 4.1 Holocaust Museum and Studies Center
00:18:49 5 Academics
00:22:39 5.1 Representative electives
00:25:12 5.2 Advanced Placement courses
00:26:43 5.3 School publications
00:29:05 6 Student life
00:29:14 6.1 Events
00:30:30 6.2 Extracurricular activities
00:30:40 6.2.1 Sports
00:31:42 6.2.2 Academic teams
00:36:32 6.2.3 Clubs and teams
00:36:40 7 Faculty
00:37:52 8 Reputation
00:40:36 9 Transportation
00:41:33 10 Notable alumni
00:41:43 10.1 Nobel Prize winners
00:43:41 10.2 Pulitzer Prize winners
00:45:02 10.3 Additional alumni honors
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.8518989247857078
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Bronx High School of Science (commonly called Bronx Science or Science, and formerly Science High) is an elite public high school in New York City. It is one of nine specialized public high schools located in New York City and operated by the New York City Department of Education. Bronx Science is considered one of the most prestigious and selective high schools in the United States.
Admission to Bronx Science involves passing the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test. Each November, about 30,000 eighth and ninth graders take the 3-hour test for admittance to eight of the nine specialized high schools. The test is extremely competitive, with only 900 of the 30,000 applicants being accepted to Bronx Science each year.
Founded in 1938 in the Bronx in New York City, Bronx Science is now situated in an educational area known as the Educational Mile in Bedford Park, a neighborhood in the northwest portion of the Bronx. The exam administered to students in the 8th grade was reportedly taken by more than 20,000 students every year as of 1999. Although known for its focus on mathematics and science, Bronx Science also emphasizes the humanities and social sciences and continually attracts students with a wide variety of interests beyond math and science.
Bronx Science is ranked among the top 50 high schools in the country as well as among the top few in New York State. Eight former students have received the Nobel Prize in science, more than any other secondary school in the world.
The Stoler Report: Developments in Coney Island, Brighton and Flatbush
Host Michael Stoler sits down with experts to gain insight into the state of developments in Coney Island, Brighton and Flatbush. They discuss new real estate developments within these areas, the benefits of living in such areas, the rising population of New York and the need for housing, as well as the possibility of affordable market rate housing within Coney Island.
The national pastime is not baseball, basketball or football; it's the topic of real estate. People all over New York and the tri-state region are talking about the real estate marketplace: office space, affordable housing, rentals, condos, retail trends. What are the trends? What's the latest news? And where's the next development? Join Michael Stoler every week and explore these and other real estate issues in the tri-state area during this half-hour round table discussion.
Tape Date: 3/20/2007
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The Stoler Report: Emerging Real Estate Leaders Discuss the Current Market
Emerging real estate leaders exchange ideas about success in today's market, reminding colleagues to be wary of irrational exuberance, to look for deals that make sense on a cash basis; to deal in familiar markets where one can be creative; and to be reasonable in one's expectations.
Panel: Benjamin Levine, Vice Pres., Douglaston Development/Levine Builders; Bryan Woo, Dir. of Acquisitions, Youngwoo & Associates; Chad Tredway, Managing Dir., Chase Commercial Term Lending; Robert Reffkin, Founder & CEO, Compass; Benjamin Atkins, Principal/Founder Abingdon Square Partners.
(Taped 7-7-15)
The Stoler Report, Real Estate Trends in the Tri-State Region, New York's only television broadcast featuring real estate and business leaders, began its first season on television and on CUNY TV in September, 2003 (the series has enjoyed two previous seasons on radio.) Hosted by Michael R. Stoler, the weekly program features lively round-table discussions of topical issues in the world of real estate.
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Cancer - The Forbidden Cures (Syöpä - kielletyt hoidot, suom. tekstitys)
Video löytyy kokonaan suomeksi tekstitettynä tästä linkitä:
Pepper-Neely Anti-cancer Bill:
Tri. Gerd Hamer perusti ns. uuden saksalaisen
lääketieteen koulukunnan. Hamer uskoo, että kukin syöpä
syntyy psykologisesta traumasta, jota yksilö ei ole täysin käsitellyt.
Miten nämä psykologiset traumat toimivat tai miten ihminen saa niitä? Voiko lääketieteen käyttämät lääkkeet, anestesiat, shokit ja operaatiot traumatisoida ihmisen ja siten altistaa hänet syövälle? Entä nuoren ihmisen epileptiset kohtaukset, voisiko siinä mahdollisesti olla kysymys vanhasta lääketieteellisestä operaatiosta? Sähköshokki kun on keinotekoisesti aiheutettu epileptinen kohtaus.
Mielestäni paras ja yksilön kannalta käyttökelpoisin teoria ja käytännön sovellutukset löytyy kirjasta
Dianetiikka: Uusi tiede mielenterveydestä.
Kirjassa traumaattisille kokemuksille on annettu uusi nimi, ne ovat engrammeja, eli kivun ja tiedottomuuden hetkiä. Voit täysin käsitellä omat traumaattiset kokemuksesi, eli engrammisi Dianetiikan menetelmillä. Johdantovideo:
Esitän tämän asian koska mentaaliset tekijät vaikuttavat eniten kehon hyvinvointiin ja esimerkiksi vitamiinien toimivuuteen. Hyvässä henkisessä vireessa oleva myös syö terveellisesti. Rapakunnossa olevan on hyvä aloittaa ravinnosta, liikunnasta ja elämäntyyliasioista, koska fyysinen tila vaikuttaa myös mielialaan. Mutta muista, mieli on pomo ja sinulla on oikeus tietää siitä.
Tämä video antaa vähän kuvaa syövästä, vain kolmesta hyväksytystä hoitomuodosta, joista 2 itse asiassa aiheuttaa syöpää ja ISOSTA rahasta, mikä näiden hoitojen kautta virtaa lääketeollisuuden omistaville pankkiireille, kuinkas muutenkaan.
AMA, American Medical Association on Yhdysvaltojen lääkäreiden ammattijärjestö, ja se perustettu 1847. Se on suurin lääkäreiden ja lääketieteen opiskelijoiden järjestö Yhdysvalloissa.
Samaa tarkoitusta varten Suomessa toimii Suomen Lääkäriliitto (Finnish Medical Association).
Carnegie, Andrew (25. marraskuuta 1835 Dunfermline, Skotlanti -- 11. elokuuta 1919 Lenox, Massachusetts) oli yhdysvaltalainen liikemies ja hyväntekeväisyyden harjoittaja. Hän rikastui perustamansa Carnegie Steel Company -teräsyrityksen kautta ja lahjoitti myöhemmin suuren osan omaisuudestaan hyväntekeväisyyteen perustamalla kirjastoja, kouluja ja yliopistoja. Andrew Carnegie myi omistamansa teräs- ja rautateollisuusyhtiöt J. P. Morganille, ja he perustivat United States Steel -yhtiön vuonna 1901.
Rockefeller, John Davison, Sr. (8. heinäkuuta 1839 Richford, New York -- 23. toukokuuta 1937 Ormond Beach, Florida) oli maailman suurimman öljy-yhtiön Standard Oil -yhtiön perustaja ja aikanaan maailman rikkain mies.
Trump, Pence in North Carolina for last minute push in District 9 race
Trump, Pence in North Carolina for last minute push in District 9 race
The Stoler Report: Industry Pros Discuss the Current Market
Celebrating his 750th broadcast, host Michael Stoler welcomes long-time colleagues and frequent guests to his show, Stephen B. Siegel and Ofer Yardeni to fast-forward from 9/11 to the rapidly growing development in downtown and west side New York. According to Siegel and Yardeni, the best is yet to come! (Taped: 05/27/15)
The Stoler Report, Real Estate Trends in the Tri-State Region, New York's only television broadcast featuring real estate and business leaders, began its first season on television and on CUNY TV in September, 2003 (the series has enjoyed two previous seasons on radio.) Hosted by Michael R. Stoler, the weekly program features lively round-table discussions of topical issues in the world of real estate.
Watch more at
Chicago Rail Yards Captured By Drone
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DJI Phantom 3 Pro
DJI Phantom 4
DJI Phantom 4 Pro
DJI Osmo +
Canon 70D with Dual Pixel CMOS AF and EF-S 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 IS STM Lens
iPhone 6
Sony FDRAX-33
GoPro 4 Black
Feiyu G3 Ultra 3-Axis Gimbal
Edited on
HP Envy Intel i7 Laptop
Final Cut Pro X
Adobe Premier CC
Sony Vegas Studio 13
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Twitter: Coming Soon :D
Trump, Pence stop in Fayetteville ahead of District 9 election
Trump, Pence stop in Fayetteville ahead of District 9 election
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Giuseppe Garibaldi (Italian: [dʒuˈzɛppe ɡariˈbaldi]; July 4, 1807 – June 2, 1882) was an Italian general and politician who played a large role in the history of Italy. He is considered, with Camillo Cavour, Victor Emmanuel II and Giuseppe Mazzini, as one of Italy's fathers of the fatherland.
Garibaldi was a central figure in the Italian Risorgimento, since he personally commanded and fought in many military campaigns that led eventually to the formation of a unified Italy. He was appointed general by the provisional government of Milan in 1848, General of the Roman Republic in 1849 by the Minister of War, and led the Expedition of the Thousand on behalf and with the consent of Victor Emmanuel II.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
Madison, WI: BEAUTIFUL Modded Otis Traction North Elevators @ Wisconsin State Capitol
(Recorded 8/2/16)
Elevator Information
Brand: Otis/Northern
Fixtures: EPCO Inchline/EPCO WN
Floors Served: 6 (B, *G, 1-4)
2016 Rowan College of Communication & Creative Arts Secondary Commencement Ceremony
Battles of Lexington and Concord
The Battles of Lexington and Concord were the first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War. They were fought on April 19, 1775, in Middlesex County, Province of Massachusetts Bay, within the towns of Lexington, Concord, Lincoln, Menotomy , and Cambridge, near Boston. The battles marked the outbreak of open armed conflict between the Kingdom of Great Britain and thirteen of its colonies on the mainland of British America.
This video targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Public domain image source in video
Ulysses S. Grant | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:04:11 1 Early life and education
00:06:51 2 Early military career and personal life
00:07:02 2.1 West Point and first assignment
00:10:21 2.2 Marriage and family
00:11:26 2.3 Mexican–American War
00:14:41 2.4 Post-war assignments
00:17:49 3 Civilian struggles and politics
00:21:32 4 Civil War
00:22:34 4.1 Early commands
00:24:26 4.2 Belmont, Forts Henry and Donelson
00:29:01 4.3 Shiloh and aftermath
00:34:26 4.4 Vicksburg campaign
00:38:36 4.5 Chattanooga and promotion
00:41:55 4.6 Overland Campaign and Petersburg Siege
00:47:16 4.7 Appomattox campaign, and victory
00:49:25 4.8 Lincoln's assassination
00:50:44 5 Commanding General
00:51:45 5.1 Reconstruction
00:53:22 5.2 Break from Johnson
00:56:27 5.3 Election of 1868
00:58:57 6 Presidency (1869–1877)
01:01:49 6.1 Later Reconstruction and civil rights
01:08:38 6.2 Native American iPeace/i policy
01:12:10 6.3 Foreign affairs
01:16:49 6.4 Gold standard and gold conspiracy
01:20:32 6.5 Election of 1872 and second term
01:24:05 6.6 Panic of 1873 and loss of Congress
01:27:15 6.7 Scandals and reform
01:34:34 6.8 Election of 1876
01:36:14 7 Post-presidency
01:36:24 7.1 World tour and diplomacy
01:38:08 7.2 Third term attempt
01:40:26 7.3 Business reversals, speculation and confidence men
01:43:33 7.4 Memoirs, pension, and death
01:49:48 8 Historical reputation
01:53:12 9 Memorials and presidential library
01:55:44 10 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9501520319374683
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-A
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Ulysses S. Grant (born Hiram Ulysses Grant; April 27, 1822 – July 23, 1885) was an American soldier, politician, and international statesman who served as the 18th president of the United States from 1869 to 1877. During the American Civil War, General Grant, with President Abraham Lincoln, led the Union Army to victory over the Confederacy. During the Reconstruction Era, President Grant led the Republicans in their efforts to remove the vestiges of Confederate nationalism, racism, and slavery.
From early childhood in Ohio, Grant was a skilled equestrian who had a talent for taming horses. He graduated from West Point in 1843 and served with distinction in the Mexican–American War. Upon his return, Grant married Julia Dent, and together they had four children. In 1854, Grant abruptly resigned from the army. He and his family struggled financially in civilian life for seven years. When the Civil War broke out in 1861, Grant joined the Union Army and rapidly rose in rank to general. Grant was persistent in his pursuit of the Confederate enemy, winning major battles and gaining Union control of the Mississippi River. In March 1864, President Lincoln promoted Grant to Lieutenant General, a rank previously reserved for George Washington. For over a year Grant's Army of the Potomac fought the Army of Northern Virginia led by Robert E. Lee in the Overland Campaign and at Petersburg. On April 9, 1865, Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox, and the war ended.
On April 14, 1865, Lincoln was assassinated. Grant continued his service under Lincoln's successor President Andrew Johnson and was promoted General of the Army in 1866. Disillusioned by Johnson's conservative approach to Reconstruction, Grant drifted toward the Radical Republicans. Elected the youngest 19th Century president in 1868, Grant stabilized the post-war national economy, created the Department of Justice, and prosecuted the Ku Klux Klan. He appointed African-Americans and Jewish-Americans to prominent federal offices. In 1871, Grant created the first Civil Service Commission. The Democrats and Liberal Republicans united behind Grant's opponent in the presidential election of 1872, but Grant was handily re-elected. Grant's new Peace Policy for Native Americans had both successes and failures. Grant's administration successfully resolv ...
Terra Piatta - 200 Prove: la Terra, non è una Palla Rotante.. (by Eric Dubay) Sub-Multilingual.
Playlist Dedicata alle 200 Prove di Eric Dubay
Download 200 Proofs In PDF (free, now translated into many languages):
Il libro, intitolato: Mondi oltre i POLI, di A F Giannini del 1959, viene presentato come basato su fatti reali; e cita il fatto, che: Hubert Wilkins, avrebbe scoperto molta più terra che si estenderebbe, al di là del Polo Sud... Il Iibro sostiene che, entrambi i poli, non sono quello che siamo stati, portati a credere. E che, entrambi i poli, non sono: nè dove, né quello, che noi pensiamo, siano..
ANTEPRIMA GOOGLE BOOKS: Worlds Beyond the Poles
Il Punto, è che: si Piega tutta la Dimensione Piatta, in una Curva; proprio, come aveva detto Einstein.... (Appunto)...
Crediti e Ringraziamenti:
Ian Clark
(Per la: Traduzione, all'Italiano)
Eric Dubay
(fonte originale)
Rilancio i Video di: Vito - Conspiracy Channel, & Affini;
perchè, per colpa dei Troll cattivi, sono spesso costretti, a Chiuderne i Commenti. Qui, sono Aperti.
LINK, alla PLAYLIST: dei migliori Video, sulla TEORIA della TERRA PIATTA
P.S: Non date Corda, ai Troll.. Vanno solo Bloccati. Sono pagati. Non sono qui, per farvi Ragionare Seriamente.. Ma Solo, per Mettere Zizzania. Bloccateli. Entrate nei loro Profili, e BLOCCATELI (funzione in Alto, a Destra).
ISTRUZIONI, più dettagliate, QUI:
AVVISO sui TROLL. ----))) Basta che controlliate i loro Profili: sono sempre gli stessi.. che mettono Zizzania, su Tutti i Canali... Non si scomodano neanche a volte, a cambiare le foto... Sono sempre gli stessi!! Ci prendono, proprio per Scemi!!! Capite!?!!? E ancor più, quando voi, Vi ostinate: a Dargli Corda!! così! Sai, le RISATE che si Fanno!!!? Non Cadete in questi loro Giochetti!! Svegliatevi!!! IGNORATELI!! (e, Bloccateli). Ciao.
Bloccate e SEGNALATE I TROLL, che VI FANNO BULLISMO. Non potranno più Molestarvi!
Verrà messo: il nome del tuo Canale, se lo desideri.
(I sottotitoli, con la dicitura automatico fra parentesi, sono invece presi: dal Traduttore di Google. In Attesa, di essere migliorati).
è: SIA PIATTA CHE ROTONDA, A SECONDA DELLA DIMENSIONE, DA DOVE LA si OSSERVI.. Per poter capire: la TERRA PIATTA, e l'UNIVERSO PIATTO, DOVETE prima CAPIRE.. l'IPER-DIMENSIONALITA' DEL COSMO... E, credo che Richard Hoagland, lo SPIEGHI BENE..(anche se, sta tutto in inglese, sorry). Richard, ha lavorato per la NASA, e poi, se n'è dissociato..
Sono i Matematici ed i Fisici dissidenti, ad Asserire che non esiste la Materia (lo Spazio), non io. Esiste solo il Suono. Le Onde Sonore, Radio Frequenze, che sono appunto ciò, di cui è composto LO SCHERMO OLOGRAFICO, che ci ostiniamo a credere Reale. Vi metterei dei link, ma quei Video (quelli dei Fisici e Matematici, dissidenti), sono stati tutti censurati. Perchè, la manovra dei Troll, è proprio quella di dividere la gente (e la mente), mettendo uno contro l'altro, gli estremi, piuttosto che badare ad unirli. In questo caso, gli estremi sono: la gente che si professa ATEA e i CREDENTI, in un Dio. L'emisfero Destro, e quello Sinistro, vanno UNITI. Non Divisi.
Removal of Confederate monuments and memorials | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Removal of Confederate monuments and memorials
00:01:59 1 Background
00:03:35 2 Academic commentary
00:09:03 3 History of removals
00:10:10 4 Organizations encouraging monument removal
00:10:48 5 Destruction of monuments
00:12:00 6 Laws hindering removals
00:14:20 7 Public opinion
00:15:04 8 What to do with the plinths (pedestals)
00:16:59 9 Removed monuments and memorials
00:17:09 9.1 National
00:17:29 9.2 Alabama
00:19:13 9.3 Alaska
00:19:39 9.4 Arizona
00:20:12 9.5 Arkansas
00:20:50 9.6 California
00:22:55 9.7 Colorado
00:23:13 9.8 District of Columbia
00:24:18 9.9 Florida
00:31:38 9.10 Georgia
00:33:25 9.11 Kansas
00:34:12 9.12 Kentucky
00:35:31 9.13 Louisiana
00:41:48 9.14 Maine
00:42:06 9.15 Maryland
00:44:50 9.16 Massachusetts
00:45:12 9.17 Mississippi
00:45:46 9.18 Missouri
00:46:42 9.19 Montana
00:47:14 9.20 Nevada
00:47:41 9.21 New Mexico
00:47:56 9.22 New York
00:48:47 9.23 North Carolina
00:54:18 9.24 Ohio
00:55:19 9.25 Oklahoma
00:55:49 9.26 South Carolina
00:56:27 9.27 Tennessee
00:59:55 9.28 Texas
01:08:04 9.29 Utah
01:08:20 9.30 Vermont
01:09:14 9.31 Virginia
01:15:51 9.32 Washington (state)
01:18:29 9.33 Wisconsin
01:19:40 9.34 Canada
01:20:08 10 See also
01:20:51 11 Further reading
01:23:37 11.1 Video
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at:
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
For decades in the U.S., there have been isolated incidents of removal of Confederate monuments and memorials, although generally opposed in public opinion polls, and several U.S. States have passed laws over 115 years to hinder or prohibit further removals.
In the wake of the Charleston church shooting in June 2015, several municipalities in the United States removed monuments and memorials on public property dedicated to the Confederate States of America. The momentum accelerated in August 2017 after the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The removals were driven by the belief that the monuments glorify white supremacy and memorialize a treasonous government whose founding principle was the perpetuation and expansion of slavery. Many of those who object to the removals, like President Trump, believe that the artifacts are part of the cultural heritage of the United States.The vast majority of these Confederate monuments were built during the era of Jim Crow laws (1877–1954) and the Civil Rights Movement (1954–1968). Detractors claim that they were not built as memorials but as a means of intimidating African Americans and reaffirming white supremacy. The monuments have thus become highly politicized; according to Eleanor Harvey, a senior curator at the Smithsonian American Art Museum and a scholar of Civil War history: If white nationalists and neo-Nazis are now claiming this as part of their heritage, they have essentially co-opted those images and those statues beyond any capacity to neutralize them again.In some Southern states, state law restricts or prohibits altogether the removal or alteration of public Confederate monuments. According to Stan Deaton, senior historian at the Georgia Historical Society, These laws are the Old South imposing its moral and its political views on us forever more. This is what led to the Civil War, and it still divides us as a country. We have competing visions not only about the future but about the past.