Busan Exhibition and Convention Center (BEXCO) 12/6/2014
South Korea
6 December 2014
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Busan Exhibition and Convention Center (BEXCO) 11/24/2019
The Busan Exhibition and Convention Center (BEXCO) in Busan, South Korea is the venue for the 2019 Association of Southeast Asian Nations – Republic of Korea (ASEAN-ROK) Commemorative Summit, the First Mekong-ROK Summit, and the International Media Center (IMC) on November 25-26, 2019.
Opened in 2001, the BEXCO already hosted various international and domestic meetings and exhibitions. With its experience of holding large-scale international events, the BEXCO contributes in promoting the City of Busan as one of the most competitive locations in Northeast Asia. It was also selected as the venue for the ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit in 2014.
* * *
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Busan Exhibition and Convention Center BEXCO
BEXCO located in Centum City, Haeundae-gu, Busan, South Korea. Come visit our booth.
Busan centum city: BEXCO_Walking South Korea
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Walking streets in South Korea
from. Busan metro BEXCO Station Donghae Nambu Line
to. BEXCO (Busan Exhibition and Convention Center)
weather: sunny, 22 degree Celsius, windy
device: Hwawei P20 lite, No Gimbal
▶google maps:
Walking streets in South Korea
from. Sports Complex station (Busan merto line 3)
to. Sajik Arena
2019.10.19 10:30
weather: sunny, 22 degree Celsius, clear
Device: Hwaeri P20 lite, gimbal (Fei-yu tech Vlogpocket)
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▶Sajik arena:
TARA SA BEXCO (Busan Exhibition and Convention Center | EYESHOPPING |
*BEXCO( Busan Exhibition and Cenvention Center)
벡스코) Haeundae-gu, Busan South Korea
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A Filipina who live in Zamboanga del Norte who married a Korean man and now living at Busan South Korea.
I created this channel to share to other's our family activities. To accept and understand each other's differences. And to inspired other's to lived in a foreign land especially having a foreign husband.
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2010 G-Star to kick off at Busan Exhibition and Convention Center in Korea
2010 G-Star, South Korea's biggest game trade show, kicked off today at the Busan Exhibition and Convention Center in Korea, which is organized by Ministry of Culture, Sports & Tourism (MCST) and the Busan Metropolitan City, and co-hosted the Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA) and the Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency
Haeundae daero street to BEXCO Busan Korea emonyoutours
Sept 2017
AAMLS Convention
Morning walk to two 2 train station from Haeundae Beach
부산 센텀시티 벡스코, Walking around Centum city(Bexco), Busan, South Korea, 2019-01
센텀시티역에서 벡스코까지 걷습니다.
We walk from Centum city Stn. to Bexco.
*Library in Google map :
2019. 1. weekday
sunny / morning / winter
Seoul, South Korea
#bexco #busan #centumcity
Kyoung-Hee Lee (Lydia) - First Exhibition in Busan, Bexco, South Korea.
Going to Busan, Bexco, Haeundae Beach, South Korea
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Bexco Busan South Korea IMSD ACMD 2014 Conference
Busan, South Korea IMSD ACMD 2014 Conference
27.Oct.2018 OneLife Master Mind BUSAN BEXCO, KOREA. Mark and Miki
BEXCO| Busan Tower| Gamcheon Village #VISITKOREA2020 #busan
visited place in the video
Busan International Travel Fair (BEXCO
Gamcheon Culture Village
Busan Tower
Gwangbokdong Food Street
Refer information at
Arrival at the Paradise Hotel Busan 11/25/2019
Busan, South Korea
November 25, 2019
From the Gimhae Air Base, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte proceeded to the Paradise Hotel Busan on his first day in South Korea.
The Chief Executive is scheduled to participate in the 2019 Association of Southeast Asian Nations - Republic of Korea (ASEAN-ROK) Commemorative Summit from November 25-26, 2019.
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S. Korea's largest game exhibition G-Star to kick off Thursday in Busan
국내 최대 게임전시회 지스타 14일 부산서 개막
South Korea's largest game exhibition, G-Star, kicks off Thursday in Busan.
The event which runs through Sunday at the BEXCO Convention Center will feature game exhibitions, business consulting sessions, conferences and other game-related events.
The G-Star Indie Showcase,... aimed at supporting indie game developers with space and equipment,... will also debut this year.
For the duration of the event,... traffic will be blocked in front of the venue to enhance safety.
#G_Star #game #exhibition
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Ibu Negara Iriana Kunjungi Festival Kecantikan K Beauty di Busan Korea Selatan
TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM - Di sela-sela mendampingi Presiden Joko Widodo menghadiri sejumlah agenda kerja di Korea Selatan, Ibu Negara Iriana mengikuti acara yang diperuntukkan bagi pendamping para pemimpin negara.
Salah satunya adalah mengunjungi ASEAN-Republic of Korea (RoK) K-Beauty Festival yang digelar di Busan Exhibition and Convention Center (BEXCO), Selasa, 26 November 2019.
Setibanya di tempat acara sekitar pukul 10.00 waktu setempat, Iriana disambut oleh Istri Presiden Korea Selatan, Kim Jung-sook. Iriana kemudian meninjau sejumlah stan yang menampilkan berbagai produk kecantikan dari Korea Selatan dan negara-negara ASEAN.
Usai peninjauan stan, Iriana bersama para istri pemimpin negara ASEAN menyaksikan pemaparan tentang industri kecantikan di Korea Selatan. Iriana tampak duduk di antara istri Perdana Menteri (PM) Malaysia Ibu Siti Hasmah, dan Istri PM Thailand Ibu Naraporn Chan-ocha.
Selain itu tampak hadir juga Istri PM Vietnam Trần Thị Nguyệt Thu, Istri PM Laos Naly Sisoulith, dan Istri Presiden Filipina Honeylet Avencana.
Iriana mengaku senang dan menyampaikan apresiasinya kepada Ibu Kim yang telah menginisiasi acara tersebut. Menurut Iriana, perawatan diri itu penting, terutama bagi wanita seusia mereka.
Terima kasih karena inisiatif Madam Kim untuk program pameran K-Beauty ini, kata Ibu Iriana.
Dalam acara yang mengusung tema ASEAN Beauty Touch The World tersebut, Iriana dan para istri pemimpin negara lain juga dihibur dengan penampilan sebuah grup band Korea, yakni Cosmic Girl. Di pengujung acara, Ibu Iriana dan para istri pemimpin negara lain berfoto bersama.
Usai menghadiri K-Beauty Festival, Iriana kemudian menuju Hotel Paradise, Busan, untuk menghadiri jamuan santap siang yang digelar oleh Ibu Kim Jung-sook.
Selama mengikuti acara K-Beauty Festival dan jamuan santap siang, Iriana didampingi oleh istri Duta Besar RI untuk Korea Selatan, Siti Nila Purnama Hadi.
Artikel ini telah tayang di Tribunnews.com dengan judul Saat Ibu Iriana Kunjungi K-Beauty Festival,
Editor: Hendra Gunawan
27.Oct.2018 OneLife Master Mind BUSAN BEXCO, KOREA. SIMON LE
Liburan di Korea ( BEXCO Busan Fair )
Bexco Busan fair 2019 ..
Bexco Busan station , jalan 5 menit.
#kerja di korea
#Belajar bahasa Korea ( Baca huruf korea dalam sehari )
27.Oct.2018 OneLife Master Mind BUSAN BEXCO, KOREA. HABIB ZAHID