Ohrid Icon Gallery
Ohrid Icon Gallery; Republic of Macedonia, National heritage and culture.
ОХРИД, Документарен филм [ЕП01] | OHRID - Documentary Movie [EP01]
Документарен филм за градот Охрид, прва епизода
NOTE: This is educational material about Macedonian history and traditions of Macedonian people through centuries
Охрид — град во југозападниот дел на Македонија, на североисточното крајбрежје на Охридското Езеро, кое по градот го носи и своето име. Охрид и Охридското Езеро се едни од главните туристички места во Македонија.
Поради големиот број на цркви и манастири, градот е познат како Балкански и Европски Ерусалим.[2] Охрид е познат и како „град на светлината“, што претставува буквален превод на неговото старо име, Лихнид. Охридскиот регион е вклучен во светското населдство на УНЕСКО.
Современиот Охрид е наследник на античкиот Лихнид. Според податоците, градот прв пат се споменува 2.400 години пред новата ера. Лихнид се наоѓал на патот Виа Егнација, наjстарата и наjзначаjната римска сообраќаjница на Балканот. Бригијците и Енхелеjците го сочинуваат наjстарото население кое може според името да се идентификува во пошироката област на Охридското Езеро. Бригиjците се исто што и Фригиjците.
По Третата македонска воjна против кралот Персеј, Лихнид станува главна римска база во северните области на Македониjа. Тоа е времето кога за него наjмногу се слуша. Последната вест за Лихнид е веста за неговото разурнување. Во еден земјотрес, коj според историските извори се случил на 29 и 30 мај 526 година, настрадале повеќе десетици илjади лица во Лихнид. Потоа градот повеќе не се споменува во историските извори.
Охридската област до 30-тите години на VII век била целосно колонизирана од словенското племе Берзити. Лихнид оттогаш го добил името Охрид.
Охридскиот краj уште во втората половина на VIII век станал привлечно подрачjе за бугарската држава. За време на бугарскиот цар Борис I Михаил македонските територии во воено-административен поглед биле опфатени во неколку „комитати“. Охрид бил во комитатот што ги опфаќал Охридско-деволските краишта. Во 886 година Климент, по краткото задржување во бугарскиот двор, бил испратен во Македониjа со важна државна мисиjа. Тоj бил испратен во областа наречена Кутмичевица како учител. Областа jа опфаќала Југозападна Македонија и Јужна Албанија, со главните градови Охрид и Девол.
Како учител и епископ Климент заедно со Наум ги поставиле основите на т.н. Охридска глаголска книжевна школа. Благодареjќи на деjноста на Климент и Наум, градот Охрид, во втората половина на IX век израснал во еден од наjразвиените и наjпознатите средновековни словенски културни центри.
Во време на царот Самуил, Охрид станал религиозен центар и главен град на царството. Неговите тврдини и ден денес стојат високо над самиот град. Есента 1015 година византискиот император Василиј II успеал да го заземе Охрид, но тврдината останала и понатаму под власта на царот Јован Владислав, наследникот на Гаврило Радомир, син на цар Самуил.
Во Охрид се наоѓа најстариот универзитет во Европа (IX век), додека во местото Плаошник близу градот се наоѓа реставрираната црква Св. Климент чии наоди укажуваат на фактот дека пак таму имало универзитет од XIII век.
Ohrid (Macedonian: Охрид [ˈɔxrit] (About this sound listen)) is a city in the Republic of Macedonia, the seat of Ohrid Municipality. It is the largest city on Lake Ohrid and the eighth-largest city in the country, with over 42,000 inhabitants as of 2002. Ohrid once had 365 churches, one for each day of the year, and has been referred to as a Jerusalem (of the Balkans).[2][4] The city is rich in picturesque houses and monuments, and tourism is predominant. It is located southwest of Skopje, west of Resen and Bitola. In 1979 and in 1980 respectively, Ohrid and Lake Ohrid were accepted as Cultural and Natural World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. Ohrid is one of only 28 sites that are part of UNESCO's World Heritage that are Cultural as well as Natural sites
There is a legend supported by observations by the 17th century Ottoman traveler Evliya Çelebi that there were 365 chapels within the town boundaries, one for every day of the year. Today this number is significantly smaller.
Church of St. Sophia
Church of St. Panteleimon
Church of St. John at Kaneo
Church of St. Clement[41]
Church of St. George
Church of St. Zaum[42]
Icon Gallery-Ohrid
Monastery of Saint Naum
Church of St. Petka
Church of St. Stefan
Vestiges of basilicas from the early-Christian time, e.g. Basilica of St. Erazmo (4th century)
Robevi family house, museum of archeology
Ancient Theatre of Ohrid
Church of St. Vrači, with frescos from the 14th century. A 14th-century icon from the church is depicted on the obverse of the Macedonian 1000 denars banknote, issued in 1996 and 2003.[43]
Besides being a holy center of the region, it is also the source of knowledge and pan-Slavic literacy. The restored Monastery at Plaošnik was actually one of the oldest Universities in the western world, dating before the 10th century.
Ohrid is also home to Vila Biljana, which serves as an official residence of the Prime Minister of Macedonia.
Macedonian exhibition of icons from 13th-19th century in Struga
Collection of 50 very valuable ancient icons, dating from 13th to 19th century were exposed in the gallery of icons in the church of St. George (Sveti Gjiorgji) in Struga
Icons were discovered two decades ago in the roof of the church, including the one from the 13th century dedicated to the patron Saint George, discovered in 1961, following the conservation and protection, represented as part of invaluable treasure of Macedonian cultural heritage.
Christianity in Macedonia homogenized ancient and slavonic Macedonians
Збирка древни икони црква Свети Ѓорѓи Струга македонско културно наследство Христијанството ги хомогенизира антички словенски Македонци
OHRID - Macedonia Travel Guide | Around The World
Ohrid (Охрид) is a city in the Republic of Macedonia and the seat of Ohrid Municipality. It is the largest city on Lake Ohrid and the eighth-largest city in the country, with over 42,000 inhabitants as of 2002. Ohrid is notable for once having had 365 churches, one for each day of the year, and has been referred to as a Jerusalem (of the Balkans). The city is rich in picturesque houses and monuments, and tourism is predominant. It is located southwest of Skopje, west of Resen and Bitola. In 1979 and in 1980 respectively, Ohrid and Lake Ohrid were accepted as Cultural and Natural World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. Ohrid is one of only 28 sites that are part of UNESCO's World Heritage that are Cultural as well as Natural sites.
In antiquity the city was known under the ancient Greek: Λυχνίς (Lychnis) and Latin: Lychnidus, probably meaning city of light, from Greek λυχνίς (lychnis, gen. lychnidos), a precious stone that emits light, from λύχνος (lychnos), lamp, portable light. By 879 AD, the town was no longer called Lychnidos but was referred to by the assimilated native people as Ohrid, possibly from the Slavic words vo hrid, meaning on the hill, as the ancient town of Lychnidos was at the top of the hill. In Macedonian and the other South Slavic languages, the name of the city is Ohrid (Охрид). In Albanian, the city is known as Ohër or Ohri and in modern Greek Ochrida (Οχρίδα, Ωχρίδα) and Achrida (Αχρίδα).
There is a nearby international airport, Ohrid Airport (now known as St. Paul the Apostle Airport) that is open all year round.
GFK Ohrid Lihnidos are a football team playing at the SRC Biljanini Izvori stadium in the city. As of the 2016–17 season they play in the third tier of the Macedonian Football League system.
RK Ohrid are a handball team playing at SRC Biljanini Izvori arena, with a capacity of 2,500. As of the 2016-17 season they play in the Macedonian Handball Super League, which is the top tier.
The Ohrid Swimming Marathon is an international open water swimming competition, always taking place in the waters of Lake Ohrid. The swimmers are supposed to swim 30 km (19 mi) from the monastery of Saint Naum to the Ohrid harbor.
There is a legend supported by observations by the 17th century Ottoman traveler Evliya Çelebi that there were 365 chapels within the town boundaries, one for every day of the year. Today this number is significantly smaller.
Church of St. Sophia
Church of St. Panteleimon
Church of St. John at Kaneo
Church of St. Clement
Church of St. George
Church of St. Zaum
Icon Gallery-Ohrid
Monastery of Saint Naum
Church of St. Petka
Church of St. Stefan
Vestiges of basilicas from the early-Christian time, e.g. Basilica of St. Erazmo (4th century)
Robevi family house, museum of archeology
Ancient Theatre of Ohrid
Church of St. Vrači, with frescos from the 14th century. A 14th-century icon from the church is depicted on the obverse of the Macedonian 1000 denars banknote, issued in 1996 and 2003.
Besides being a holy center of the region, it is also the source of knowledge and pan-Slavic literacy. The restored Monastery at Plaošnik was actually one of the oldest Universities in the western world, dating before the 10th century.
Macedonian Orthodox Icons / Македонски Православни Икони
Macedonian Orthodox Icons
Берово, Македонија
Берово — град во источниот дел на Република Македонија, кој е сместен под падините на Малешевските Планини на површина од 595 км. Во негова близина се наоѓа и Беровското Езеро. Берово се наоѓа 161 км од Скопје, 47 км од Струмица и 52 км од Кочани.
За тоа како го добило Берово своето име, постојат две верзии.
Според првата, тоа го добило своето име по името на некој си сточар Беро. Аргумент за ова е постоењето на таканаречената Берова ливада, во атарот меѓу селата Мачево и Робово, за која се смета дека му припаѓала на овој сточар.
Берово кое е дел од Малешевската Котлина, има умерено-континентална клима со модификација на климата во високите планински и рамнински делови.
Локалитетот Берово има значително пониска средна годишна температура на воздухот од подрачјата на иста надморска височина во поширокиот дел на оваа котлина.На надморска височина од 800 м, средна годишна температура изнесува 11,1 °C , а во Берово 8,7 °C. Најстуден месец е јануари со просечна температура од -10 °C,а најтопол месец е јули ,со просечна температура од + 18 °C.Просечната годишна минимална температура е 2,8 °C,а просечната максимална температура е 15,3 °C. Најмногу врнежи има во месеците мај и јуни, како и во ноември, а најсушни се месеците август и септември. Просечниот годишен износ на врнежи е 672 мм /м³. Главен максимум паѓа во мај, просечно околу 76,8 мм /м³, а секундарен во ноември -64,3 мм /м³. Главниот минимум е во август, просечно со 37,6 мм /м³, а секундарен во февруари. Бројот на врнежливи денови годишно изнесува 118. Во просечната годишна сума на врнежи снегот зазема околу 15 % и се јавува од октомври до мај. Просечно,годишно има 42,2 дена под снежна покривка.
Релативната влажност на воздухот се смалува од јануари до август, а потоа од декември се зголемува, а просечната влажност на воздухот е 76 %. Просечната годишна сума на траење на сончевото зрачење изнесува 2.347 часа или 6,4 часа дневно, со максимум во јули од 10,2 часа дневно, и со минимум во декември од 3 часа дневно.Во Беровската Котлина маглата е ретка појава, годишно има само 8,4 магливи денови. Појавата на град е ретка, просечно се јавуваат 2,9 дена со град. Сланата е со помала зачестеност и се јавува 70 дена во годината, од септември до мај. Во Беровската Котлина се јавуваат ветрови од сите 8 светски правци, но преовладува северниот, со зачестеност од 147 % и брзина од 2,4 м /сек., кој е најмногу застапен во јануари, февруари и во март.
Според втората верзија која е поверојатна името Берово произлегло од тоа што луѓето се береле (се собирале) на тоа место. Се поставува прашањето од каде се берело населението. Па од старите населби во месноста Туртела, Селца, Рибница, Раздоло, Клепало, Добри Лаки и други, а подоцна и од другите малешевски села.
Населението во градот и целата Малешевска област се занимава претежно со земјоделство. Поради специфичноста на земјиштето во Малешевијата најмногу се одгледува компир по кој Берово е доста познат. Исто така Берово е познато и по Беровското бело сирење. Со планот за изградба на граничен премин кон Бугарија со кој Берово би се поврзало со Сандански значајно би се подобрило стопанството на целиот регион.
Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Ohrid region (UNESCO/NHK)
Situated on the shores of Lake Ohrid, the town of Ohrid is one of the oldest human settlements in Europe. Built mainly between the 7th and 19th centuries, it has the oldest Slav monastery (St Pantelejmon) and more than 800 Byzantine-style icons dating from the 11th to the end of the 14th century. After those of the Tretiakov Gallery in Moscow, this is considered to be the most important collection of icons in the world.
Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
Skopje, Macedonia - Travel Around The World | Top best places to visit in Skopje, Macedonia
Top best places to visit in Skopje, Macedonia
Skopje is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Macedonia.
It is the country’s political, cultural, economic, and academic center. Skopje is known as the City of Statues thanks to its impressive monuments situated all over the city.
In the center of town is the Macedonia Square, the biggest public space in Macedonia.
In its middle stands the Warrior on a Horse, a fountain and a statue of Alexander the Great.
The symbol of the city the Stone Bridge connects Macedonia Square to the Old Bazaar.
Around the square, which serves as a main entrance to the Old Bazaar, are:
The Museum of the Macedonian Struggle,
The National Theater,
And the Holocaust Memorial, a museum and multimedia center about the history of the Jews in the Balkans.
Nearby is another representative square with the Macedonian Opera and Ballet and a Philharmonic Hall.
And next to it is the Art Bridge, the most beautiful bridge in the city full of sculptures of noted artists.
Also worth a visit are:
The Porta Macedonia, a triumphal arch dedicated to 20 years of Macedonian independence.
The Mother Teresa House, a beautiful and tranquil modern chapel and a museum.
And the Church of St Clement of Ohrid, the largest cathedral of the Macedonian Orthodox Church.
One of the most important places to go in Skopje is the Old Bazaar. It is the largest marketplace in the Balkans famous for its cultural and historical values.
Beside the stores there are some interesting objects within the Old Bazaar, such as:
The National Museum, one of the oldest museums in the country.
The Double Hamam, a Turkish bath, today used as a gallery.
The Church of the Ascension of Jesus, a tiny orthodox temple with a pleasant courtyard.
And the Mustafa Pasha Mosque, one of the most beautiful Islamic buildings in Macedonia.
In the vicinity of the Old Bazaar there are other prominent mosques, like:
The Sultan Murat Mosque, the biggest mosque in Macedonia.
The Gazi Isa Bey’s Mosque, the only seljuk mosque in Europe.
And the Yahya Pasha Mosque which has a roof in the shape of a pyramid and the tallest minaret in Skopje.
But the biggest attraction in the city is the Kale Fortress.
The historic fortifications was build on the highest hill in the Skopje valley
and now offer great views over the city.
Email: travelaroundtheworld.tatw@gmail.com
Intro & Outro:
The church of St. Sofia - Ohrid - Macedonia
The church of St. Sofia is one of the largest medieval churches on this territory. For a long time it was the cathedral church (Great Church) of the Ohrid Archiepiscopate whose ecclesiastical authority covered the territories up to the river Danube to the north, the Albanian coast to the west, and the Bay of Thessalonica to the east.
The church was probably used as a cathedral way back in the past, in the period of the Czar Samuel who, in the late X century, moved his throne from Prespa to Ohrid. The other assumption is that there used to be another church on the same site during the reign of the Macedonian Czar Samuel, and that later on this church was ruined for unknown reasons. The date of the construction of that church is uncertain because there are no inscriptions that help reveal it. It is also mentioned that today's church was either built or restored during the period of the Archbishop Leo who was on the throne of the Church in the period between 1035-1056. His esteemed ecclesiastical principal became a donor of the painting decorations in the church of St. Sofia.
Credit to: youtube.com/mkrtv
...For more videos go to:
*mk.promo: tinyurl.com/3jxv9a
*mk.ancient/aegean: tinyurl.com/53d6b2
*mk.music: tinyurl.com/4hmtdj
*tose.proeski: tinyurl.com/5kngbt
.: мкгмкпр
St. Jovan Bigorski - Macedonia
St. Jovan Bigorski is a 19th century monastery standing on the slopes of Debar’s Mt. Bistra, above the banks of the River Radika. While relatively new, St. Jovan was constructed over the remains of an older church dating from 1021. Built on a steep slope surrounded by dense woods and rocky hills, St Jovan is reminiscent of the cliff top monasteries of Mt. Athos in Greece. Since the monastery is dedicated to St. John the Baptist, the faithful believe that icons with his image are blessed with a miraculous healing power. The monastery also has a small silver coffin containing alleged relics of St. John. The monastery complex includes a dining room and old monastic dormitory, a tower, a charnel house, and two fountains spilling over with fresh mountain water.
Credit to: youtube.com/mkrtv
...For more videos go to:
*mk.promo: tinyurl.com/3jxv9a
*mk.ancient/aegean: tinyurl.com/53d6b2
*mk.music: tinyurl.com/4hmtdj
*tose.proeski: tinyurl.com/5kngbt
.: мкгмкпр
Ohrid Macedonia , churches
Ohrid,Macedonia , church ST.Sophia, church ST Bogorodica Perivlepta
Macedonian Adventures: Vodocha monastery attracts pilgrims and history lovers
In this edition of Macedonian Adventures, we travel to the Vodocha monastery.
Dating back to the first centuries of Christianity, the complex took its present shape in the Middle Ages.
A cultural monument, it remains a functioning monastery where nuns still live.
“An earthquake brought down the arches of this cathedral in 1931; half a century later they were restored with historical accuracy,” reported euronews’ Denis Loctier.
Father Grigorij, Priest, Vodocha and Veljusa monasteries, explained: “The restoration was done in the same authentic way in which the church was built, using only stones and horizontal bricks – in the Byzantium style typical for older churches.”
Rising near eastern Macedonian city of Strumica, the Vodocha and Veljusa monasteries welcome pilgrims and all admirers of religious art and history.
A lesser known European country: North Macedonia
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In this brief video you can find seven little known facts about Macedonia.
More information about the video content bellow:
1. Ohrid Lake in Macedonia is the oldest and one of the deepest lakes in Europe (max depth 288m). It is estimated 4 million years old and has 200 endemic species that haven’t been found at any other place in the world. It was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1979.
2. Macedonia is the only country that got independence from Yugoslavia without shedding a single drop of blood. It remained entirely at peace at the heat of Yugoslav wars in early 1990s and got independence from Yugoslavia in 1991.
3. The country of Macedonia has more number of mountains and mountain peaks than any other country in the world. The country has as many as 34 mountain peaks, each with a height of more than 2,000 meters above the sea-level; with Mount Golem Karb being the highest at 2,753 meters above sea-level. Most peaks in Macedonia have never been visited by people.
4. The city of Skopje, the capital of Macedonia, severely suffered from the Great Turkish War at the end of the 17th century and consequently experienced recession until the 19th century. In 1689, Austrians seized Skopje which was already weakened by a cholera epidemic. The same day, general Engelberto d'Ugo Piccolomini set fire to the city to end the epidemic. It is however possible that he wanted to avenge damages that Turks caused in Vienna in 1683. Skopje burned during two days.
5. The Millennium Cross is a 66 metre-high cross situated on the top of the Vodno Mountain in Skopje, and it is the biggest cross in the world. It was constructed to serve as a memorial of 2,000 years of Christianity in Macedonia and the world.
6. Television in Macedonia began in 1964 when Television Skopje began. It is now known as Macedonian Television, or Makedonska Televisija (MTV). It operates three television channels for Macedonia and one satellite channel which broadcasts to other countries.
7. Since becoming an independent nation in 1991, Macedonia has had two flags. Both its first flag and the current flag feature a yellow sun on a red background. The first version, pictured left, was based on a symbol found on ancient tombstones discovered in 1977 in the town of Vergina. However, Vergina is in Greek Macedonia and Greece decided to claim that they owned the copyright to use the symbol. They even went as far as blocking trade with the Republic of Macedonia and forced the UN headquarters in New York to take down the Macedonian flag. As a compromise, and to restart trading with their Greek neighbours, Macedonia changed its flag to its current one from 1995.
More Info:
Casetofoane - Enel
Tour The HIghlights of Ancient Ohrid, Macedonia: Part 2
There are allegedly some 365 churches, monasteries and other religious sites around the lake and there were times I felt we'd seen most of them. The church and archaeological site of St. Clemens is a short walk down from the Roman Ampitheater. St. Clemens arrived as a monk around the Ninth to Tenth Century and taught not only theology but medicine, other subjects and he is considered to be the founder of Slav literacy and literature in Macedonia.
Tiny St. John Church of Kaneo is Ohrid's symbol; photographed from land, water, used in movies, and very pretty but frescoes inside are almost completely obliterated because of weather.
Macedonia cut 1
Young Life service trip to Struga, Macedonia April 2009. London group C&D. They were the best!
Macedonian Life: The cultural inspiration of the new generation
The cultural life is the soul of every nation and for Macedonia it has a special meaning. In our last part of our three part series, we show how alive the cultural life of the people since the independence in 1991.
Opera singer Boris Trajanov has already sung with the best productions in the world. He is one of the most famous representatives of Macedonia. His interpretation of Scarpia in Puccini's Tosca is praised by some as the best in the world.
Macedonia today is a very young country, with a great past, because Macedonia has existed for over 2500 years.
We have an honorable mission we pursue with our culture, our music, our shows, which is to be ambassadors for our country, said Trajanov.
The new Macedonian Opera and Ballet Center is one of the most popular locations in Skopje and moves in with his ideas attracted many visitors. Both in the old, but also with the younger generation of traditional music is still popular.
The popular actor Dejan Lilic showed us backstage before the opening of his new play. Known for his role in Hamlet, speaks Lilic of a cultural reawakening: I am delighted that the culture comes back. Perhaps we have forgotten in the last 20.30 years, because we had a lot of other problems. But if we take a deep breath now and reflect our culture is alive again - through theater, concerts and literature.
It's no surprise that the visitors were packed rows at presentation of Demons by Dostoevsky. The Macedonians hope that their culture and heritage, the Land with more attention on the world stage.
Other cultural projects aimed directly at young people. A gallery for your, for example, to ensure that in the schools and more poems are read. Especially the love poems of famous Macedonian poets Blaze Koneski captivate the guests in this café in the center of Skopje.
There are a lot of people who like poetry, but you know, the interpretation is personal and not something you do for others. People are afraid that they are alone. I want them to take this fear, encouraging them. They are part of a big family, said Ljupcho Todorovski.
Another outstanding example of the Macedonian culture is the UNESCO World Heritage of Ohrid. Some scholars argue that the city is situated in the south, one of the places where the Cyrillic alphabet was created.
When it comes to spoil the soul of a young generation that is currently in transition, then Ohrid and its picturesque lake situated is a beautiful inspiration.
No doubt expect the Macedonians great challenges. It is important to find the right balance in life. It is crucial balance.
Until next time, or as they say in Macedonia: Doviduvanje.
Ohrid Gezilecek Yerler - Antik Tiyatro / Ancient Theatre
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travel to macedonia
travel to macedonia
DAY 1: Skopje
Arrival in Skopje. Guided sightseeing tour of Skopje - Macedonia Square, the statue of Mother Teresa; the Stone Bridge - symbol of Skopje; the church of St. Spas (Holy Salvation); Skopje Fortress, Old Varosha quarter, etc. Accommodation. Free time for individual visit to the Museum of Mother Teresa, Archeological Museum or Skopje Museum housed in the old railway station. Overnight in Skopje.
DAY 2: Skopje surroundings
Breakfast. Tour in the surroundings of Skopje. Drive to Lake Matka, which is the most popular getaway retreat of most citizens of Skopje. A boat trip along the lake with a stop for a visit of Ubava Cave. Visit of the Monastery Church of St. Andrew in Matka, built in the 14th century. Departure for the village of Gorno Nerezi, located in the slopes of Vodno Mountain for a visit of the Monastery Church of St. Pantelejmon. This is a remarkable mediaeval church built in the 12th century, representing an important monument from the Byzantine period - the fresco composition Lamentation of Christ. Return to Skopje. Overnight in Skopje.
DAY 3: Mavrovo - Monastery St. John Bigorski - Struga - Ohrid
Breakfast. Departure for Mavrovo National Park. Stop at Mavrovo Lake - the biggest artificial lake in Macedonia, part of Mavrovo National Park. Photo break by the flooded church of St. Nikolas, build in mid 19th century. Visit to the mystical and tranquil Monastery of St. John Bigorski (St John the Baptist). In the monastery church you can see an icon of St. John the Baptist dating from the 11th century as well as the final and most stunning, one of only three iconostases carved out of walnut. Walking tour in Struga - the town of poetry - St. George Church, Brothers Miladinovi Memorial House, Old Bazar. Arrival in Ohrid in the evening. Accommodation at hotel at Ohrid Riviera. Overnight in Ohrid.
DAY 4: Ohrid
Breakfast. Guided sightseeing tour of Ohrid. The tour starts in front of the statue of St. Cyril and Methodius, and it continues to the Lower gate, the Church of St Sophia, the Roman Amphitheatre, the Upper gate, St Clements’s Church, the church St. Joan Kaneo, Tsar Samuil’s fortress, Ohrid’s marketplace, etc. Free time. In the afternnon a tour to the beautiful monastery of St. Naum. St. Naum is a the most famous monastery complex in the Ohrid area. The original church of the Holy Archangels was built in the early 10th century by St. Naum and later it housed the tomb and relics of St. Naum himself but today its remains are buried beneath the present 16th-century church. Optional boat tour on the Ohrid Lake. In the evening optional dinner at traditional restaurant with music and dances. Overnight in Ohrid.
DAY 5: Bitola - Prilep - Krushevo
Breakfast. Departure for the town of Bitola. Sightseeing tour of Bitola - the famous Clock Tower, first built in 1664 but got its present appearance in the 19th century, the church St. Demetrius, the main Shirok Sokak Street. Visit to the ancient town Heraclea Lynkestis founded by Philip II, father of Alexander the Great. Departure for Krushevo. Walking tour - Toshe Proeski's memorial house, the churches of St. Nicolas and St. John, the museum-gallery of Nikola Martinovski, Monument Makedonium. Return to the Pelagonian Plain and visit to the monastery of Archangel Michael above the Old town of Prilep. Accommodation in Prilep and overnight.
DAY 6: Prilep - Kavadartsi - Stobi - Veles - Skopje
Breakfast. Departure for the town of Kavadartsi. Visit of the famous Tikvesh Winery for a tour and wine tasting. Drive to Stobi and tour of the archaeological reserve – one of the most developed Roman cities in the Roman province of Macedonia, early Christian center. Drive to Veles. Sightseeing tour of the town, located on the two shores of Vardar River, and visit to one of the most impressive Revival churches in Macedonia, built in the middle of 19th century by the famous local builder Andrey Damyanov. Drive to Skopje. Accommodation and overnight in Skopje.
Alexander the Great worship the same Gods as Hellines (Greeks). He also have acess in Delfoi temple were only a Greek have acess there. He also said Thanks the gods that I born Hellinas (Greek).
So how could he be Skopian.This time Slavs were live in Asia!!!
Macedonia - Ohrid - the cradle of culture