Otepää. Estonia. Drone 4K.
Otepää (formerly Nuustaku) is a town in Valga County, southern Estonia, it is the administrative centre of Otepää Parish. Otepää is a popular skiing resort, popularly known as the winter capital of Estonia (in contrast to the summer capital Pärnu)
OTEPÄÄ | Winter Capital of Estonia | Drone [4K]
A small town nestled in southern Estonian hills and valleys, Otepää is a well-known winter holiday destination for all those who love the snow. Skiing, skating, snowboarding in all its forms can be enjoyed at this relaxed winter resort boasting luxurious spa hotels and restaurants.
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During the summer you can hike along the paths of Otepää nature park, admire rolling hills and lakes, winding village roads and small rivers. The nearby Pühajärve is one of the largest lakes in Estonia and is perfectly suited for a quiet weekend camping trip in the wild.
Otepää is first and foremost known as a ski resort and here you can enjoy cross country and downhill skiing, as well as snowboarding and snowtubing.
While holidaying in Otepää, you might just come across Olympic medalists sliding by during a daily training session. From sportsmen to romantic souls and photographers, this quiet little town is loved by many.
[RUS] Небольшой городок, расположенный среди холмов и долин Южной Эстонии, Отепя является известным местом зимнего отдыха, особенно для тех, кто любит снег. На славящемся своими роскошными спа-отелями и ресторанами зимнем курорте вы можете сполна насладиться любой формой катания на лыжах и на сноуборде.
Летом вы можете совершить пешую прогулку по дорожкам природного парка Отепя, полюбоваться холмами и озерами, извилистыми дорогами и небольшими реками. Неподалеку находится Пюхаярве − одно из крупнейших озер в Эстонии, которое идеально подходит для спокойного похода на выходных в мир дикой природы.
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[EST] Sportlikul Otepääl kihab elu igal aastaajal – lumega saab linn talvepealinna tiitli, suvel aga meelitab künklike metsaradade ja järvesilmadega nii kalastajaid kui ka rannaelu nautijaid. Aktiivse puhkamise võimalused on Balti riikide tuntuimas talispordikeskuses piiritud. Leidub radu nii murdmaasuusatajaile, mäesuusa- ja lumelauafännidele, mootorkelguga kihutajaile, kelgutajatele kui ka (lumisel) maastikul matkajatele.
Suvel naudi päikesepaistelist ilma Eesti ühe kaunima järve Pühajärve kallastel, mis paistab silma puhta ja hoolitsetud ranna, heas korras rannapargi ja -hoone, ujumissildade, veeatraktsioonide ja mänguväljakutega.
Nii professionaalsed kui ka harrastussportlased tunnustavad aastaringse treeningukeskusena Tehvandi spordikeskust ning juba üle poole sajandi on nende lemmikpaigaks olnud Kääriku. Kindlasti matka Eesti suurima maastikukaitseala Otepää looduspargi radadel. Tehvandi ja Harimäe vaatetornidest avanevad suurepärased vaated.
Wanderlust by Nomyn
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#Otepää #Estonia #Отепя
Common Info about Estonia:
Viron tasavalta eli Viro on tasavalta Itämeren itärannalla Pohjois-Euroopassa Suomenlahden eteläpuolella. Virolla on maaraja Venäjän federaation ja Latvian kanssa. Maan asukasluku on 1 320 000, joista noin kolmannes asuu pääkaupungissa Tallinnassa. Tallinnan jälkeen suurimpia kaupunkeja ovat yliopistokaupunki Tartto, teollisuuskaupungit Narva ja Kohtla-Järve sekä niin sanottu Viron kesäpääkaupunki Pärnu.
एस्टोनिया, आधिकारिक तौर पर एस्टोनिया गणतंत्र उत्तरी यूरोप के बाल्टिक क्षेत्र में स्थित एक देश है। इसकी सीमाएं उत्तर में फिनलैंड खाड़ी, पश्चिम में बाल्टिक सागर, दक्षिण में लातविया और पूर्व में रूस से मिलती है। एस्टोनिया मौसमी समशीतोष्ण जलवायु से प्रभावित है।
إستونيا (بالإستونية)، رسميًا جمهورية إستونيا (بالإستونية)؛ هي دولة تقع في منطقة بحر البلطيق بشمال أوروبا. يحدها من الشمال خليج فنلندا، ومن الغرب بحر البلطيق، ومن الجنوب لاتفيا ، وإلى الشرق من بحيرة بيبوس والاتحاد الروسي. تغطي أراضي إستونيا ما مساحته 45227 كيلومتر مربع ميل مربع، ويعدّ مناخها الموسمي معتدلًا. الإستونية هي اللغة الرسمية الوحيدة في الدولة.
Drone shots showing the gorgeous Estonia's Winter Capital - Otepää.
Väike Munamägi
Drone operator - Jorma Suumann
Drone camera operator - Kaiti Lillipuu
Music: Inspired by AShamaluev
Estonian Countryside | Estonia
Veskijärv ja Tänavjärv / Estonian bog lakes
Video: Reisiportaal.ee / Ivar Soopan
Droon: DJI Mavic Pro
These two lake are in the middle of the area, where forest fire destroyed almost 800 hectars of fire. It happened 9 years ago and was one of the biggest forest fires in the history of Estonia. Now the nature is recovering, there are living few endangered species. For example Epidalea calamita (frog).
Harjumaa ja Läänemaa piiril, Nõvast kümmekonna kilomeetri kaugusel asuvad rabajärved – Tänavjärv ja Veskijärv.
Järved asuvad maalilisel liivaluitelisel alal, kus 2008. aastal oli Eesti üks suuremaid maastikupõlenguid. Mets hävines ligi 800 hektaril.
Kustutustöö läks riigile maksma üle 600 000 euro ja sellesse pole arvestatud kuus päeva kestnud operatsiooni tööjõukulu.
Praegu on osa luidetest hoitud kunstlikult paljad, et seal saaks elada näiteks kivisisalik ja ka mõned taimed, millele liivane pinnas on sobiv.
Luidete põhjas niisketes lompides on elupaiga leidnud juttselg-kärnkonn ehk kõre, mis on ohustatud konnaliik.
Peaaegu paljaste luidete kõrval on aga jäetud põlenud metsamaastik sellisena, nagu see pärast tulekahju jäi. Puud on maha langenud ja uus taimestik kasvab omasoodu.
Tänavjärve kaldajoone pikkus on 5,8 km. Tänavjärve idapoolses otsas on RMK puhkeplats.
Veskijärv on natuke üle kilomeetri Tänavjärvest eemal. See on pruuniveeline düstroofne järv, mis jääb Läänemaa piiridesse. Järve kaldajoone pikkus on 7,8 km.
Järve ja tema elustiku kaitseks moodustati aastal 1964 Veskijärve kaitseala (pindala oli 216 ha).
Veskijärve kaldal on RMK puhkeplats.
Allikas: Wikipedia
Tallinn transportation Estonia
Piusa Caves Visitor Centre (overview) Estonia
Piusa Caves & Piusa Caves Visitor Centre
When accompanied by the guide, you can visit the observation platform at the Museum cave. The Piusa sandstone caves are the result of hand-mining glass sand during 1922–1966. The biggest wintering colony of bats in East Europe is located in the caves.
Pühajärve Spa & Holiday Resort .Hotel room overview.Otepää, Estonia
Pühajärve Spa & Holiday Resort .Hotel room overview.Otepää, Estonia
Otepää Golf Center in the heart of Baltics
Real nature integrated golf course with exclusive clubhouse.
You will be amazed of the place and complex packages of golf breaks. Everything is offered - food, golf, accommodation in partner hotels. Competitions & events on a high quality full-size championship course (18 holes PAR 73). Get the real energy of the ancient forest between two beautiful lakes in a unique natural environment of the Otepää Nature Park. The course is designed for beginners as well as amateurs and professionals. Picturesque nature and rolling hills make it a really fun and challenging course.
All needed services and good prices for your vacation:
Kids area outside & inside with a babysitter service
Golf lessons, demos and green card courses
Pro-shop & cafeteria
Saunas & dressing rooms with lockers
Seminar rooms (for 50 persons and less)
TOP50 restaurant in Estonia
Golf simulator
Hotel accommodation in nearby partner hotels
Special events & competition arrangements for businesses and private clients (from small private events to big corporate events). Ask for a special offer! Information and booking: +372 5623 9302, info@otepaagolf.com, otepaagolf.com
إستونيا الجميلة بعدسة رحال قطري Estonia 2019 4K
#estonia #Estonia #2019 #4k #4K #osmo_dji_action #إستونيا #تالين #بعدسة_رحال_قطري #طارق_المحمود
Who is the most beautiful cow of 2017 in Estonia? ''Viss 2017'' Ülenurmel
Who is the most beautiful cow of 2017 in Estonia?
16.06.2017 Tartumaal Ülenurmes Eesti Põllumajandusmuuseumis toimunud näitus-konkurss ''VISS 2017''.
Selgitame välja kes on Eesti holsteni ja Eesti Punase tõu VISS- ja RESERVVISS 2017
Hundreds compete in annual sauna marathon
Otepaa, Estonia - 6 February, 2016
1. People running down the hill to start the annual sauna marathon
2. Various of participants at the start line
3. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Monika Otrokova, Communications manager for Otepaa town council:
This event is unique, created here in Estonia by Estonian locals living here in Otepaa. And why it's unique is because you don't need to stay in one sauna for the longest time, but instead you have to visit as many saunas as possible. This is a unique, sort of an orienteering game.
4. Otrokova talking to Christopher Holtby, British Ambassador to Estonia
5. Close of Holtby's hat with British flag
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Christopher Holtby, British Ambassador to Estonia:
I think so long as we have a respectable score, I think that'll be ok. I know we won't win, so as long as we don't have anywhere near the bottom, I think we will have held British pride sufficiently.
7. Participants arriving to Sokka sauna
8. Participants dancing to live national music inside
9. Tracking shot of woman dipping into ice hole, SOUNDBITE (Estonian) no name given:
Only winners go into the ice hole. But those holes are not so many, I'm looking forward to more of them.
10. Tracking shot of door opening, entrance to sauna
11. Mid of people sitting in sauna
12. Men participating in team challenge
13. Wide of women walking past sign reading (Estonian) 'Vaino sauna'
14. Wide of sauna and wood bath
15. Mid of women in wooden bath
16. Tracking shot of walking into sauna
17. Tracking shot of dipping into ice hole, men screaming and cheering
18. Various of team dressed as comedy character Borat
19. Tracking shot on snow bicycles
20. Tracking shot of walking into sauna, throwing water on rocks
21. Wide of people running at sauna 'marathon'
Sauna enthusiasts participated in a special annual run on Saturday in Estonia, where the main goal is to visit as many saunas as possible in the least amount of time.
Over 900 participants from all over Europe came to the Estonian winter capital of Otepaa, which is hosting the European Sauna 'Marathon' for the seventh time.
Twenty saunas were available to participants, where they had challenges that included dipping into ice holes and staying in each sauna at least for 3 minutes.
Teams came from as far as Greece and the U.S., and included also a team headed by the British ambassador to Estonia.
The winning team finished the race in 2 hours and 55 minutes.
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Wonderful City of Estonia : Tallin (Watch This Video) Part 1
Wonderful City of Estonia : Tallin (Watch This Video) Part 1
One Day in Sky [Pärlselja, Pärnumaa, Estonia - 4k]
Beautiful forest place on south Estonia.
Music provided by HearWeGo
Artist: Kori
Title: Then She Spoke
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#onedayinsky #cinematicdrone
The European Sauna Marathon in Estonian Winter Capital Otepää [2019]
Over 70 different saunas at Otepää area ( finnish, russian and turkish saunas, with electrical and wood heating, smoke sauna, floating sauna and barrel sauna)
Traditionaly in February in Otepää takes place European Sauna Marathon where participants have to track down and visit the given saunas in the Otepää area as fast as possible.
All the teams get a map showing the locations of the saunas and all the team members must be in every sauna for at least 3 minutes. Extra bonuses will get from the swim in the ice hole, plunge pools and other attractions provided by the sauna owners. The winner will be the team which completed all of the saunas in the shortest time.
Video copy by Adam Rang (
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#Sauna #Estonia #Winter
Hotel Karupesa - Otepää Hotels, Estonia
Hotel Karupesa 3 Stars Hotel in Otepää, Estonia Within US Travel Directory Surrounded by a beautiful forested landscape, Hotel Karupesa is located in the famous Estonian winter resort of Otepää, next to the ski stadium and only 500 m from the centre.From almost every window you can enjoy great views of the surrounding forests. Non-smoking rooms and rooms for allergy-sufferers are available. The Karupesa, Estonian for Bear’s Den, is a popular choice for many athletes.
The property offers a gym and a fully equipped ski maintenance room.
The hotel's restaurant serves a wide range of traditional dishes and also has a children's menu.
The inviting lobby bar offers a pleasant atmosphere, with a cosy fireplace, a wide selection of drinks and a pool table.
Otepää offers a wide range of sports and leisure options, and you can rent sports equipment at Karupesa.
The nearest bus station, Otepää Bussijaam is 800 m away.
Hotels Located in :
Hotel Karupesa - Otepää Hotels, Estonia
Location in : Tehvandi 1A, 67403 Otepää, Estonia
Booking Now :
Hotels list and More information visit U.S. Travel Directory
Water tourism on South-Estonian rivers
Tallinn, Old Town and Kadriorg Palace - Estonia 4K Travel Channel
Once again we visit the Cathedral Hill. The weather is pleasant, so we have a nice view from above. First, we visit the cathedral. Behind it is a small park with a terrace, which shows the panorama in the west. We follow the mountain slope direction north. The premier's seat has the best view. The old town is at your feet and the harbor is visible in the background. The small squares and narrow streets on the Cathedral Hill convey again the medieval ambiance that characterizes this city. Most of the ancient venerable houses are historical monuments and often rented to embassies or consulates.
We return to Alexander Nevsky Cathedral and can take a look. The parliament building stand opposite the cathedral.
To the west, we reach the Maiden's Tower (Neitsitorn), that houses a café. Here, the city wall with its integrated battlements is particularly well preserved.
We move again towards Town Hall Square and pass the Freedom Square and the restaurant Olde Hansa.
A visit to the Estonian History Museum gives us further impressions of the history of the city. The museum is housed in the medieval Great Guild Hall.
Across the street is the most renowned café of the city, the Café Maiasmokk. It is the oldest operating café in Tallinn and has been in the same location since 1864. On the first floor is a restaurant that serves characteristic Estonian dishes.
A special marzipan museum gives an overview of the history of marzipan. On request, you can have marzipan figures decorated on your personal request.
Katarina kaik is the narrowest and most medieval street in Tallinn. Round arches above the alley support the side walls. It leads to the Müürivahe street, where a market in the shadow of the city wall, gives an insight into the life behind the walls.
Through the Viru Gate from the 14th century, we leave the old town. At Viru välja, the Viru Square, we take a tram to Kadriorg.
please read more: blog.myvideomedia.com
Noch einmal besuchen wir den Domberg. Das Wetter ist angenehm, so dass wir einen schönen Ausblick von oben haben. Zuerst besuchen wir den Dom. Direkt dahinter ist ein kleiner Park mit einer Terrasse, die das Panorama im Westen zeigt. Wir folgen dem Berghang Richtung Norden. Beim Sitz des Premiers hat man den schönsten Ausblick. Die Altstadt liegt zu Füssen und im Hintergrund ist der Hafen zu sehen. Die kleinen Plätze und engen Gassen auf dem Domberg vermitteln wieder das mittelalterliche Ambiente, das diese Stadt so auszeichnet. Die alten ehrwürdigen Häuser stehen in der Regel unter Denkmalschutz und sind oft an Botschaften oder Konsulate vermietet.
Wir kommen zurück zur Alexander Nevsky Kathedrale und können einen Blick hineinwerfen. Gegenüber der Kathedrale steht das Parlamentsgebäude.
Richtung Westen erreichen wir den Jungfernturm ( Neitsitorn) in dem sich ein Café befindet. Hier ist die Stadtmauer mit ihren integrierten Wehrgängen besonders gut erhalten.
Wir bewegen uns wieder in Richtung Rathausplatz und passieren vorher den Freiheitsplatz und das Restaurant Olde Hansa.
Ein Besuch im Estnisches Geschichtsmuseum vermittelt uns weitere Eindrücke von der Geschichte der Stadt. Es ist im mittelalterliche Gebäude der Großgilde untergebracht.
Gegenüber ist das renommierteste Restaurant und Café der Stadt, das Café Maiasmokk, das hier bereits seit 1864 residiert. Im ersten Stock befindet sich ein Restaurant, das charakteristische estnische Gerichte serviert.
Ein spezielles Marzipanzimmer vermittelt einen Überblick über die Geschichte des Marzipan. Auf Wunsch kann man sich Marzipanfiguren nach persönlichem Geschmack bemalen lassen.
Die Katarina kaik ist die schmalste und mittelalterlichste Gasse Tallinns. Rundbögen oberhalb der Gasse stützen die Seitenwände ab. Sie mündet in der Müürivahe-Straße, wo ein Markt im Schatten der Stadtmauer, Einblicke in das Leben hinter den Mauern vermittelt.
Durch das Viru Tor aus dem 14. Jahrhundert verlassen wir die Altstadt und nehmen am Viru väljak (Viru Platz) eine Straßenbahn nach Kadriorg.
Weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog: blog.myvideomedia.com
Спа Викинг (обзорное видео ) Пярну Эстония
Спа-отель Викинг (обзорное видео СПА)Пярну Эстония.
(ресепшн,гардероб,душевая,сауны,бассейн ......)