Exploring Rozafa Castle in Shkoder Albania
Exploring Rozafa Castle in Shkoder Albania
you need to visit albania in 2019.
Go to Shkoder and to Rozafa castle its fun exploring amazing Albania.
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By Jermaine Ellis
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Form the USA, Memphis Tennessee, ORANGE MOUND
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Traveled to 50 Countries
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#Shkoder #Albania #budgettravel
Rozafa Castle Story, Visit Albania
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a young woman buried alive as sacrifice for building the castle, old fortress in Albania, Beautiful bird eye city view of Shkoder, one of the most important tourist attraction in Albania, Travel with Daniel, Daniel World travel.
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Rozafa Castle. Shkoder. Albania
Rozafa Castle. Shkoder. Albania
Rozafa Castle - Shkoder, Albania
Rozafa Castle - Shkoder, Albania..
Zamek Rozafa - Shkoder, Albania.
Rozafa Castle. Shkoder. Albania
Rozafa Castle. Shkoder. Albania
Music: Initiation
Kalaja Rozafës (Shkodër-Shqipëri) - Rozafa Castle (Shkodër-Albania)
Rozafa castle. Shkoder. Albania ????????
Rozafa castle. Shkoder. Albania ???????? is
Rozafa Castle, Shkodra, Albania
16th July 2015
We spent the morning walking to and climbing up the steep path to Rozafa Castle. Not much to see, but beautiful views all around. The legend is that Rozafa was immured in the walls of the castle but asked for holes to be left so she could breastfeed her baby.
Kalaja e Rozafes Shkoder (Rozafa Castle) 4K
Video : Albert Vaja - 0682275331
Rozafa Castle - Albania
Enjoy this video about the so called Rozafa Castle in Albania.
Its made out of rocks and its whats left of the castle itself after a lot of years. Rozafa Castle is a castle near the city of Shkodër, in northwestern Albania. It rises imposingly on a rocky hill, 130 metres above sea level, surrounded by the Buna and Drin rivers. Shkodër is the seat of Shkodër County, and is one of Albania's oldest and most historic towns, as well as an important cultural and economic centre.
Music downloaded from the YouTube Audio Library / No Attribution Required.
Rozafa Castle - Shkoder - Albania
Director: Giuliano Montori
Filmed during my vacation in august 2013 with Nikon D3100 and 18-55mm Kit lens that came with the camera.
No tripod used to film.
Edited and colour corrected with Adobe Premiere Pro.
Rozafa Castle, Shkodra -Through the Balkan countries ep19 - Travel video calatorii tourism vlog
We arrived in Albania at Shkodra and visited Rozafa Castle which has a beautiful legend:
Three brothers decided to build a solid castle,which would protect the whole area,considering it as a way for them to be remembered for what they were doing.But every morning,as they emerged from the fog right at the place where the castle had to be,they found that walls had crumbled down.One old man told them that,if they really wanted the walls to stand,they had to sacrifice one of the brides of the three married brothers,whoever would bring them lunch the next day,by burying her alive into the walls.The youngest brother's wife would end up being walled in,even though she had at home the baby boy.Before letting them bury her into the walls,she had just one request to make:she asked for her right eye,right arm and right breast to be left outside the wall;the eye to keep watch on her son,the arm to fondle him and her breast to feed him before going to sleep.Once she was walled in,the walls began to stand,with the milk of her breast dripping away.
I'm passionate about travel and I try to travel on a small budget
This is a group trip through the Balkans for 2 weeks, it cost 350 euros and included transport, accommodation and breakfast.
Countries visited: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, North Macedonia, Kosovo and Bulgaria.
mail: costiflorea1@yahoo.com
Rozafa Castle - Shkodër, Albania
16 October 2011. View of Shkoder from Rozafa Castle. Northern Albania.
Epic Albania Adventure and Roadtrip - Part 3 (tre): Rozafa Castle
Matthew, Mark and Luke go on an epic adventure to explore Albania. In this short third part, we explore Rozafa Castle, with beautiful surroundings. My trusty DJI Mavic Pro shows us a birds eye view from up above. Let me know what you think.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Rozafa Castle Shkodra
Rozafa Castle Shkodra-Shkoder
Rozafa Castle Shkodra Albania 2018
Pokud se líbí, tak dejte like, odběr či zanechte komentář, díky :-)
A zapněte si zvuk! :-)
Rozafa Castle Shkoder november 2012
Rozafa Castle in Shkodër - Albania 2
【K】Albania Travel-Shkoder[알바니아 여행-슈코더르]로자파 성의 전설/Rozafa Castle/Legend/View
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[한국어 정보]
쉬코덜엔 고대 일리리안들이 처음 만들었다는 로자파 성이 있다. 로자파성 정상에 올라가니 성 아래 쉬코덜의 모습이 한눈에 들어온다. 로자파성엔 로자파란 여인에 얽힌 슬픈 전설이 전해 내려오고 있다. 젖먹이 아기를 둔 로자파란 여인이 신께 바치는 제물이 돼 성벽에 갇히게 되었는데, 사람들에게 이렇게 애원했다고 한다. “로자파는 이렇게 애원했다고 합니다. ‘내 몸의 반은 성벽 밖으로 내놓아 주세요. 한쪽 팔로 내 아기 쓰다듬어도 주고 배가 고프면 젖도 물려주게요. 또 한쪽 다리로는 아기요람을 흔들어 줄 수 있도록 해주세요.’” 로자파가 묻혔다고 전해지는 성벽엔 지금도 흰 분말이 생기는데 이것이 로자파의 젖이란다. 로자파의 진한 모정이 내 귓가를 울린다.
[English: Google Translator]
Relax kodeol yen ririan ancient days have made this the first time there is a wave Rosa castle. Rosa went up to the rest come under the appearance of normality paseong kodeol at a glance. Rosa Rosa legend paseong yen sad blue woman is coming down to deliver. Rosa put a woman suckling a baby blue gotta dedicate this offering to God was confined to the walls, and he implored people to do so. So I had to sell Rosa implored. Half of My body was laid out, please walls. One arm stroking my baby breast milk also handed'll also give hungry state. In addition to shaking one leg is please to give the baby cradle. 'Rosa wave is buried handed down the walls and the yen still is kind of a white powder milk Rosa yiranda this file. Mojeong of Rosa dark wave sounds in my ears.
[Albanian: Google Translator]
Relax kodeol jen ditë ririan lashtë e kanë bërë këtë për herë të parë nuk është një valë Rosa kështjellë. Rosa u ngjit në pjesën tjetër të ardhur nën pamjen normaliteti paseong kodeol në një shikim. Rosa Rosa LEGEND paseong jen trishtuar grua blu po vjen poshtë për të ofruar. Rosa vënë një grua gjiri një fëmijë Gotta blu kushtoj kjo ofertë Perëndisë ishte i mbyllur me mure, dhe ai iu lut njerëzit për ta bërë këtë. Pra, unë kam për të shitur Rosa kërkuat. Gjysma e trupit tim u ndërtua, ju lutem mureve. Një krah stroking qumështi im gjirit fëmija gjithashtu handed'll gjithashtu japin shtetit të uritur. Përveç lëkundje një këmbë është ju lutemi të japë djep fëmijë. vala Rosa është varrosur dhënë muret dhe jen ende është lloj i një qumësht të bardhë pluhur Rosa yiranda këtë fotografi. Mojeong i valë errët Rosa tingëllon në veshët e mi.
■클립명: 유럽108-알바니아01-07 로자파 성의 전설/Rozafa Castle/Legend/View
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이내규 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2010년 5월 May
유럽,Europe,동유럽,알바니아,Albania,Albania,,이내규,2010,5월 May,슈코더르,Shkoder,Shkoder