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Tourist Spot Attractions In Harlingen

Harlingen is a municipality and a city in the northern Netherlands, in the province of Friesland on the coast of Wadden Sea. Harlingen is a town with a long history of fishing and shipping. Harlingen received city rights in 1234.
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Tourist Spot Attractions In Harlingen

  • 1. Port of Harlingen Harlingen
    The following is a list of German naval ports during World War II. Ports operated by the Kriegsmarine were divided into two classes - major and minor. For most major ports, a port commander was the senior most officer in charge of the port. Ports in the same geographical area were grouped together under administrative units known as Hafenkommandanten im Bereich. Vessels assigned within German ports were organized into harbor defense flotillas. Smaller ports were overseen by Port captains ; however, in some larger ports this title was also used for the port commander. Both major and minor port commanders reported to a naval area commander , who in turn administratively reported to a Navy district commander. For operational military defense, ports were also assigned to one of several sea def...
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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