Cathédrale Saint Maurice d'Angers
Emission du 07/12/2003
Angers - Hommage de la Cathédrale St Maurice 17/4/2019
17 avril 2019 18h50 La Cathédrale St Maurice d'Angers solidaire de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris.
Places to see in ( Angers - France ) Cathedrale St Maurice
Places to see in ( Angers - France ) Cathedrale St Maurice
The Saint Maurice Cathedral of Angers is the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Angers in Angers, France. Built between the 11th and 16th Centuries, It was classified in 1862 as a national monument of France for its mixture of Romanesque and Gothic architectural styles, especially the Angevin Gothic style, and for the stained glass windows, including the transept's window of Saint Julian, considered to be a masterpiece of French 13th century glasswork.
The original Romanesque church was rebuilt with Gothic details in the mid-12th century. The single-aisle plan was vaulted with pointed arches resting on a re-clad interior elevation. The nave consists of three simple bays, with single bays on either side of a crossing forming transepts, followed by a single-bay choir, backed by an apse.
The Cathedral of Angers was originally dedicated to the Virgin Mary. But, in 396, St. Martin, the Archbishop of Tours, added St. Maurice to the dedication. He had acquired a relic of some of the blood of the members of the Theban Legion, who were martyred, along with their leader St. Maurice, in the 3rd Century for converting to Christianity. The relic was brought to Tours and later, according to legend, a phial of it was given to Angers. In the 7th Century, a devotion to St. Maurilius, the Bishop of Angers in the 4th Century, began. A biography of him was written and, in 873, his body was transferred to the Cathedral. Two hundred years, St. Maurilius and St. Maurice were frequently mentioned together as the patron saints of the Cathedral but eventually St. Maurice became the primary patron of the Cathedral.
During the Middle Ages, both the Angers Cathedral and the Amiens Cathedral claimed that they were in possession of the reputed head of St. John the Baptist, which had been brought to France from the Fourth Crusade but had since been lost. In 1806, the porch, which stood in front of the facade, had to be demolished because of its dilapidated condition. Built in the Angevin Gothic style in front of the entrance's gate, it had two levels but, today, the four pointed arches are the only remaining evidence of the medieval porch. Various reconstruction projects were developed in the 20th Century but none of them made it out of the planning stage
The pipe organ has been in the Cathedral as early as the 14th Century. But the current incarnation was built only in 1617 by the organ maker, Jacques Girardet, who was probably recycling the pipes and other parts from the previous organ. An earlier organ was replaced in 1416 with a new case by Jean Chabencel but in 1451 it burned down, struck by a lighting bolt. A replacement was built in 1507 on the initiative of Anne of Brittany on the original spot, the counter in the choir. It was restored for the first time, after a fire, in 1533 by Peter Bert and for the second time, in 1701 by Marin Ingoult, who added the pedalboard. When Ingoult was done, the organ had, besides the pedalboard, 47 pipes with four keyboards (manuals).
( Angers - France ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Angers . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Angers - France
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Places to see in ( Angers - France ) Cathedrale St-Maurice
Places to see in ( Angers - France ) Cathedrale St-Maurice
The Saint Maurice Cathedral of Angers is the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Angers in France. Built between the 11th and 16th Centuries, It was classified in 1862 as a national monument of France for its mixture of Romanesque and Gothic architectural styles, especially the Angevin Gothic style, and for the stained glass windows, including the transept's window of Saint Julian, considered to be a masterpiece of French 13th century glasswork.
The Cathedral of Angers ( Cathedrale St-Maurice ) was originally dedicated to the Virgin Mary. But, in 396, St. Martin, the Archbishop of Tours, added St. Maurice to the dedication. He had acquired a relic of some of the blood of the members of the Theban Legion, who were martyred, along with their leader St. Maurice, in the 3rd Century for converting to Christianity. The relic was brought to Tours and later, according to legend, a phial of it was given to Angers.
The original Romanesque church of Cathedrale St-Maurice was rebuilt with Gothic details in the mid-12th century. The single-aisle plan was vaulted with pointed arches resting on a re-clad interior elevation. The nave consists of three simple bays, with single bays on either side of a crossing forming transepts, followed by a single-bay choir, backed by an apse.
( Angers - France ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Angers . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Angers - France
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Cathédrale St Maurice Angers
Angers (49)
Cathédrale Saint Maurice en diaporama
Musique de Thierry Trémelet
Cathédrale St-Maurice - Angers
Malgré les multiples mutilations, cette cathédrale offre quelques statues d'une incroyable finesse.
Après avoir admirer les voûtes angevines uniques de cet édifice, votre regard sera capté par les magnifiques vitraux aux tonalités rouges et bleues illuminant le choeur de la cathédrale.
Ordinations diaconales du 29 septembre 2018 à la cathédrale Saint-Maurice d'Angers
Les ordinations de René Bouvet, Jean-Marc Renaud et Jean-Marie Watier présidée par Mgr Delmas, évêque d'Angers, à revivre en image.
Les travaux du portail de la Cathédrale Saint-Maurice d'Angers
Depuis quatre ans un comité scientifique étudie le portail et les polychromies, les détails de la façade sculptés et peints entre le XIIe et le XVIIe siècle, mis à jour en 2009 suite à un nettoyage de la façade
Les Cathédrales / La Cathédrale Saint-Maurice d'Angers
Angers Cathédrale St Maurice
Angers Cathédrale St Maurice
Lifting sur la cathédrale d'Angers
Lifting sur la cathédrale d'Angers - Angers - Grand chantier de restauration de la cathédrale d'Angers. (Pour obtenir les droits d’exploitation commerciale de cette vidéo, veuillez contacter
Angers (France)-street & cathedral 法國昂杰市街景及主教堂
Nuit des églises à Angers
Chaque année, sur l'exemple des Journées du Patrimoine, des centaines d'églises en France ouvrent leurs portes pour une nuit, afin d'attirer un large public, croyant ou non-croyant, avec des initiatives musicales, artistiques ou encore spirituelles. C'est le cas à Angers, dans la cathédrale et dans l'abbatiale Saint-Serge.
Reportage du 10/07/2014.
Cathédrale Saint Maurice d'Angers YouTube
Eglise de St Maurice, a Lille, France
This video shows you the inside of the Saint Maurice church in Lille, France. This Roman Catholic church is right in the historic center of Lille It's construction began at the end of the 14th century and has been completed at the end of the 19th century. The great stained glasses, statues and large paintings from local artists, makes it special to walk around in it. The altar, confessional chairs & organ are all from around 1800-1875 and in good condition. Entrance is free and open during weekends. Take a moment of silence, peace and reflection for yourself when you're visiting this lovely city and church.
Cette vidéo vous montre l'intérieur de l'église Saint Maurice à Lille, en France. Cette église catholique romaine se trouve en plein centre historique de Lille. Sa construction a commencé à la fin du XIVe siècle et s'est achevée à la fin du XIXe siècle. Les grands vitraux, les statues et les grandes peintures d'artistes locaux font de cet endroit un lieu privilégié. L'autel, les chaises confessionnelles et l'orgue datent d'environ 1800-1875 et sont en bon état. L'entrée est gratuite et ouverte le week-end. Prenez un moment de silence, de paix et de réflexion pour vous-même lorsque vous visitez cette belle ville et cette église.
Dieses Video zeigt Ihnen das Innere der Kirche Saint Maurice in Lille, Frankreich. Diese römisch-katholische Kirche liegt mitten im historischen Zentrum von Lille. Der Bau begann Ende des 14. Jahrhunderts und wurde Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts abgeschlossen. Die großen Glasmalereien, Statuen und großen Gemälde von lokalen Künstlern, macht es besonders, darin herumzulaufen. Der Altar, die Beichtstühle und die Orgel stammen aus der Zeit von 1800-1875 und sind in gutem Zustand. Der Eintritt ist frei und am Wochenende geöffnet. Nehmen Sie einen Moment der Stille, des Friedens und der Reflexion für sich selbst, wenn Sie diese schöne Stadt und Kirche besuchen.
Este video muestra el interior de la iglesia de Saint Maurice en Lille, Francia. Esta iglesia católica romana se encuentra en el centro histórico de Lille. Su construcción comenzó a fines del siglo XIV y se completó a finales del siglo XIX. Los grandes vitrales, estatuas y grandes pinturas de artistas locales, hacen que sea especial para pasear por ellos. El altar, las sillas confesionales y el órgano son de alrededor de 1800-1875 y están en buenas condiciones. La entrada es gratuita y abierta los fines de semana. Tómate un momento de silencio, paz y reflexión cuando visites esta hermosa ciudad e iglesia.
यह वीडियो आपको लिली, फ्रांस में सेंट मॉरिस चर्च के अंदर दिखाता है। यह रोमन कैथोलिक चर्च लिली के ऐतिहासिक केंद्र में सही है, यह निर्माण 14 वीं शताब्दी के अंत में शुरू हुआ था और 1 9वीं शताब्दी के अंत में पूरा हो चुका है। स्थानीय कलाकारों के महान दाग़े हुए चश्मे, मूर्तियों और बड़ी पेंटिंग्स, इसमें चारों ओर घूमने के लिए विशेष बनाती हैं। वेदी, कबूतर कुर्सियां और अंग 1800-1875 से और अच्छी हालत में हैं। सप्ताहांत के दौरान प्रवेश मुक्त और खुला है। जब आप इस सुंदर शहर और चर्च में जा रहे हों तो मौन, शांति और प्रतिबिंब का एक पल लें।
Questo video mostra l'interno della chiesa di Saint Maurice a Lille, in Francia. Questa chiesa cattolica si trova nel centro storico di Lille. La sua costruzione iniziò alla fine del XIV secolo e fu completata alla fine del XIX secolo. I grandi vetri macchiati, le statue e i grandi dipinti di artisti locali, rendono speciale passeggiare. L'altare, le sedie e l'organo confessionale sono tutti intorno al 1800-1875 e in buone condizioni. L'ingresso è gratuito e aperto durante i fine settimana. Prendi un momento di silenzio, pace e riflessione per te stesso quando visiti questa incantevole città e chiesa.
Acest videoclip vă arată interiorul bisericii Saint Maurice din Lille, Franța. Această biserică romano-catolică se află chiar în centrul istoric al orașului Lille. Construcția sa a început la sfârșitul secolului al XIV-lea și a fost finalizată la sfârșitul secolului al XIX-lea. Marile vitralii, statuetele și picturile mari de la artiștii locali o fac deosebit de plimbantă. Altarul, scaunele confesionale și organele sunt toate de la aproximativ 1800-1875 și în stare bună. Intrarea este gratuită și deschisă în timpul weekend-urilor. Ia-ți un moment de tăcere, pace și reflecție pentru tine când vizitezi acest minunat oraș și biserică.
Deze video toont je de binnenkant van de Saint Maurice-kerk in Lille, Frankrijk. Deze rooms-katholieke kerk ligt in het historische centrum van Lille. De constructie begon aan het einde van de 14e eeuw en werd voltooid aan het einde van de 19e eeuw. De grote glasramen, beelden en grote schilderijen van lokale kunstenaars maken het bijzonder om er rond te lopen. Het altaar, biechtstoelen en orgel zijn allemaal van rond 1800-1875 en in goede staat. Entree is gratis en open tijdens het weekend. Neem een moment van stilte, rust en reflectie voor jezelf wanneer je deze prachtige stad en kerk bezoekt.
Angers célèbre son nouvel évêque
Angers célèbre son nouvel évêque - Angers - Dimanche a eu lieu l'ordination du nouvel évêque d'Angers: Emmanuel Delmas, ancien médecin. Près de 1500 fidèles se sont réunis en la cathédrale d'Angers pour célébrer cet évènement, si important pour la communauté catholique d'Anjou. (Pour obtenir les droits d’exploitation commerciale de cette vidéo, veuillez contacter
La cathédrale de QUIMPER sublimée !!
Spectacle son et lumières Iliz-Veur
Vue aérienne par drone de la promenade Jean Turc et de la cathédrale d'Angers, France
Pays de la Loire, Angers, Maine-et-Loire, France
Arrivée de la Ménestraudie dans la cathédrale St Maurice à Angers
Journées du Patrimoine sept 2016