Basilica di santa Maria e Donato Murano Venezia - lumix z1000 full hd
video basilica santa maria e donato , history of venice murano, venice lagoon, full hd video
Video e musica di Adriano Todesco
Murano Duomo di Murano Basilica di Santa Maria e Donato
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VENICE: Murano island - glass making [HD]
Murano is famous for its glass making. Murano's reputation as a center for glass making was born when the Venetian Republic, fearing fire and the destruction of the city's mostly wooden buildings, ordered glassmakers to move their foundries to Murano in 1291. Murano glass is still associated with Venetian glass.
The process of making Murano glass is rather complex. The glass is made from silica, which becomes liquid at high temperatures. As the glass passes from a liquid to a solid state, there is an interval when the glass is soft before it hardens completely. This is when the glass-master can shape the material.
Making a glass horse: the full version (12 minutes) can be seen here:
Murano is a series of islands linked by bridges in the Venetian Lagoon. It lies about 1.5 km north of Venice and measures about 1.5 km (0.93 mi) across. It was once an independent comune, but is now a frazione of the comune of Venice.
The Church of San Pietro Martire (St Peter Martyr) is a Roman catholic parish church.
The Church of Santa Maria e San Donato is one of the oldest churches in the Venetian lagoon. It was originally built in the 7th century and is knownn to have been rebuilt in the 9th century and in 1040 AD, although it is possible that there have been more rebuildings in later times.
May 22, 2013
Entrando nella Basilica dei Santi Maria e Donato a Murano
A Tour Of Murano Island In Venice Italy
Murano Island in Venice, Italy is a place rich in history, traditions, and culture. Existing alongside Venice for over a thousand years, Murano has evolved in much the same way as its bigger and more famous neighbor, priding itself in orderly government, upholding of ancient Roman ideals, beautiful architecture and wealth brought on by Venice's dominance of the seas. Famous for its palazzos and grand old churches such as the 7th century Church of Santa Maria e Saint Donato, also known as Murano's Duomo, Murano's main claim to fame is nonetheless its glassware.
Venetian glass-making was established as far back as the 8th century, and pretty soon became known far and wide for its beauty that has not been since since ancient Roman times. With time the number of workshops grew and the risk of fire from the glass furnaces to the grand but largely wooden city of Venice became very real. At the end of the 13th century by the order of the Doge and Venetian government, all glass masters were relocated from Venice to Murano island. Since then, Murano became the international center of excellence for glass making, where the skills and techniques evolved and the craft eventually turned into an art form.
In this video shot by Glass Of Venice's own videographers during one of our frequent trips to Murano and Venice you can see Murano and get a sense of its atmosphere. Seeing how people go about their business, tourists stop in front of the Murano Glass store windows, boats loaded with glassware zip by, and vaporettos go back and forth along their usual route, you will understand that this is a place where you can still experience real Venice, which has saved most of its ancient character and lacks the tourist crowds.
Take this short trip around Murano island with us and see for yourself why we are so enamored with Venice, Murano, and of course Murano Glass.
Santa Maria degli Angeli, Murano
Easter 2013
Basilica dei SS. Maria e Donato
Fondata, pare nel VII secolo, al tempo delle prime immigrazioni dei profughi di terraferma nelle isole, dedicata dapprima a S. Maria, aggiunse solo dopo il 1125 il titolo di S. Donato dopo il trasporto da Cefalonia del corpo del Santo. Singolare è la costruzione esterna dell'abside, a pianta esagonale con finto porticato a nicchie e colonne binate e galleria superiore ad archi, esempio prezioso per rarità di tipo, per bellezza architettonica, per ricchezza di elementi decorativi: compaiono frammenti di transenne del IX secolo appartenenti alla preesistente costruzione. La facciata principale ha la semplice forma basilicale di origine ravennate. L'interno è a pianta basilicale a tre navate, divise in cinque colonne per lato di marmo greco con capitelli stile veneto - bizantino. il pavimento a mosaico esprime affinita con quello di San Marco per affinità tecniche e di disegno. Isolato si staglia il campanile, torre quadrata scandita da tre ordini di lesene e conclusa da una cella campanaria a trifore (Lorenzetti G., Venezia e il suo Estuario 1988, 817 - 818).
Cathedral of Saints Mary and Donato -Murano-
The cathedral is a remarkable example of Byzantine architecture with a he mosaic floor, made with marble and coloured vitreous pastes and one of the oldest paintings on wood in Venice.
It was founded during immigrations of mainland refugees to the islands (probably VII century) and dedicated at first to St.Mary.
It was given the title of S. Donato only after 1125 when the body of the saint was taken from Cefalonia.
The exterior construction of the apse is unique. It is turned toward the waterfront and has an hexagonal plan with fake porch niches, columns and an arcade in the upper part.
The arcade is a precious example of architectural beauty and decorative elements: there are pieces of 11th century barriers that belonged to the pre-existing building.
The main entrance has a simple basilica style shape with origins found in Ravenna..
Isolated from the Cathedral we find the square bell tower decorated with three rows of columns and culminating in a three flowered bell tower.
The interior has three naves, divided in five columns for each side made from Greek marble with Byzantine capitals. The mosaic floor resembles the one in St Mark’s Basilica.
San Donato Church
Origins of this building date to 1454 but even before that an Ahrimanic chapel from 1210 may have been here. In 1754 Francesco Orlandi painted the facade with illustrious decorative elements. Inside is quite plain although some original aspects do remain. The poor are offered food here some mornings. Once privately owned by rich families.
Basilica dei santi maria e donato en murano, italia
basilica que data del siglo XII en la isla de murano, italia
Murano Island
Guide to Visiting Murano Island in Venice:
Murano is a series of islands linked by bridges in the Venetian Lagoon.
It is famous for its glass making
- The Glass Cathedral Santa Chiara (“Ex Chiesa di Santa Chiara”). You can see live demonstrations of Murano glass making by contemporary glass masters.
- The Church of San Pietro Martire (English: St. Peter Martyr). The church was edificated in 1348. Artworks in the church include artists: Tintoretto, Giovanni Bellini, Palma il Giovane, Paolo Veronese, Giuseppe Porta …
- The Murano Glass Museum (Italian: Museo del Vetro) is a museum on the history of glass, including local Murano glass. The museum is currently located in the Palazzo Giustinian.
- The Church of Santa Maria e San Donato. The church is one of the oldest in the Venetian lagoon. It was originally built in the 7th century and is known to have been rebuilt in the 9th century and in 1040 AD. It is known for its twelfth century Byzantine mosaic pavement and is said to contain the relics of Saint Donatus of Arezzo
- Murano Lighthouse. The Directional light is positioned at 35 metres (115 ft) above sea level and emits one white flash in a 6 seconds period, visible up to a distance of 20 nautical miles (37 km; 23 mi).
Chiesa San Pietro Martire Murano Venice Sightseeing
Churches of Venice with 360 camera.
Murano: Chiesa di San Pietro Martire.
Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
The Ex Chiesa di Santa Chiara Murano
The Ex Chiesa di Santa Chiara Murano - a newly restored medieval church on the island of Murano in Venice, Italy - offers visitors an experience of authentic Murano glass and Venetian arts and culture such as does not exist anywhere else in Venice. Here you can see live demonstrations of Murano glass making by contemporary glass masters, attend musical and theatrical performances, create your own perfumes and shop our collection of real Murano glass.
Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute - Saint Mary of Health - Roman Catholic church - Italy
Santa Maria della Salute (English: Saint Mary of Health), commonly known simply as the Salute, is a Roman Catholic church and minor basilica located in the Dorsoduro sestiere of the Italian city of Venice. It stands on a narrow finger of land between the Grand Canal and the Bacino di San Marco making the church visible when entering the Piazza San Marco from the water. The Salute is part of the parish of the Gesuati and is the most recent of the so-called plague-churches.more info visit:
basilica di santa maria della salute opening hours
basilica di santa maria della salute photos
santa maria della salute history
chiesa della salute
de santa maria della salute
es basilica de santa maria della salute
madonna della salute
basilica di santa maria della salute venice
santa maria della salute laza kostic
basilica di santa maria della salute murano
santa maria della salute painting
santa maria della salute vanvitelli
Venezia - Isola di San Michele & Murano
Murano es normalmente descrita como una isla de la laguna veneciana, aunque como Venecia, es realmente un archipiélago de islas unidas por puentes. Se encuentra aproximadamente a 16 kilómetros de Venecia y es famosa por sus obras en cristal, particularmente por sus lámparas.
Murano fue fundada por los romanos, y desde el siglo VI fue habitada por gentes procedentes de Altino y Oderzo. En un principio, la isla prosperó como puerto pesquero y gracias a la producción de sal. Era, asimismo, un centro de comercio. Con el puerto controlaban la isla de Sant'Erasmo. Desde el siglo XI, la ciudad empezó a caer en declive debido a que muchos habitantes se mudaron a Dorsoduro. Tenían un gran ayuntamiento, como el de Venecia, pero desde el siglo XIII Murano ha sido gobernada por un podestà veneciano. A diferencia de otras islas de la laguna, Murano acuñaba sus propias monedas.
En 1291, todos los cristaleros de Venecia se vieron forzados a mudarse a Murano debido al riesgo de incendios. Durante el siguiente siglo, las exportaciones comenzaron y la isla ganó fama, inicialmente por la fabricación de abalorios de cristal y de espejos. El cristal aventurine se inventó en la isla y, durante algún tiempo, Murano llegó a ser el mayor productor de cristal de Europa. La isla, más tarde, se hizo conocida por sus arañas de luces. Aunque hubo un importante declive durante el siglo XVIII, la cristalería sigue siendo la industria más importante de la isla.
En el siglo XV, la ciudad se hizo popular como lugar de vacaciones de los venecianos, y se construyó un palacio, pero esta moda se pasó más tarde. El campo de la isla era conocido por sus árboles frutales y sus jardines vegetales hasta el siglo XIX, cuando empezaron a construirse más casas.
Las atracciones de la isla son la Iglesia de Santa María y San Donato, conocida por sus mosaicos bizantinos del siglo XII y porque se dice que alberga los huesos de un dragón que mató San Donato; la Iglesia de San Pietro Martire y el Palacio da Mula. Las atracciones relacionadas con el cristal incluyen muchas obras en este material, algunas de ellas de la época medieval y que están abiertas al público. Asimismo hay un Museo del Cristal que se encuentra en el Palacio Giustinian.
Murano is usually described as an island in the Venetian Lagoon, although like Venice itself it is actually an archipelago of islands linked by bridges. It lies about a mile north of Venice and is famous for its glass making, particularly lampworking.
Murano was settled by the Romans, then from the sixth century by people from Altino and Oderzo. At first, the island prospered as a fishing port and through production of salt. It was also a centre for trade, through the port it controlled on Sant'Erasmo. From the eleventh century, it began to decline as islanders moved to Dorsoduro. It had a Grand Council, like that of Venice, but from the thirteenth century Murano was ultimately governed by a podestà from Venice. Unlike the other islands in the Lagoon, Murano minted its own coins.
In 1291, all the glassmakers in Venice were forced to move to Murano due to the risk of fires. In the following century, exports began, and the island became famous, initially for glass beads and mirrors. Aventurine glass was invented on the island, and for a while Murano was the main producer of glass in Europe. The island later became known for chandeliers. Although decline set in during the eighteenth century, glassmaking is still the island's main industry.
In the fifteenth century, the island became popular as a resort for Venetians, and palaces were built, but this later declined. The countryside of the island was known for its orchards and vegetable gardens until the nineteenth century, when more housing was built.
Attractions on the island include the Church of Santa Maria e San Donato, known for its twelfth century Byzantine mosaic pavement and said to house the bones of the dragon slain by Saint Donatus, the Church of San Pietro Martire with his splendid chapel of the Ballarin family build in 1503 and the Palazzo da Mula. Glass-related attractions include the many glassworks, some Mediaeval and most open to the public, and the Glass Museum, housed in the large Palazzo Giustinian.
Ile de Murano
L'île de Murano est située au nord de Venise, dans la lagune. De nombreux artisans, spécialisés dans le soufflage du verre y sont installés. L'île est partagée en deux par un Grand Canal traversé par un seul pont, le Ponte Lungo (ou Ponte Vivarini). A voir le pavement de mosaïques de la Basilique Santi Maria e Donato qui rappelle celui de la Basilique Saint-Marc .
Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta (Torcello)
В церкві заборонено фотографувати та знімати...тому зйомка партианського типу)
Церковь Санти-Мария-э-Донато (Santi Maria e Donato, пн-вс 8.00-14.00, 16.00-19.00)- одна из самых древних в лагуне; она основана в VII веке, перестроена около 1100 года, и в таком виде до нас и дошла, только немного слишком усердно отреставрирована в XIX веке. Самая характерная часть - апсида с тонкими колонками и перспективными нишами. Внутри настоящая Византия: мозаичный пол XII века с изображением зверей и птиц, резные капители и золотофонная мозаика хрупкой Богоматери Оранты - очень хорошая, но поберегите душевные силы для мозаик Торчелло. Церковь была посвящена Богоматери, но в XII веке сюда привезли мощи святого Доната, епископа с острова Эвбея, а заодно и кости дракона, им доблестно уничтоженного (святой просто плюнул на него) - последние, как трофеи, сейчас висят за алтарем.
Torcello, Basilica di santa Maria Assunta, (interno) manortiz