Elephant Seal Rookery near San Simeon. 5 stars place!
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Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery - Big Sur, CA
The Piedras Blancas elephant seal rookery spreads over 6 miles of shoreline around Point Piedras Blancas on the central coast of California. The viewing areas are located 90 miles south of Monterey, 5 miles north of Hearst Castle State Historical Monument in San Simeon, 1.5 miles south of Point Piedras Blancas. The viewing areas are open every day of the year, are wheelchair accessible, and free. No reservations required.
The northern elephant seal, Mirounga angustirostris, is an extraordinary marine mammal. It spends eight to ten months a year in the open ocean, diving 1000 to 5800 feet deep for periods of fifteen minutes to two hours, and migrating thousands of miles, twice a year, to its land-based rookery for birthing, breeding, molting, and rest. Piedras Blancas is a great place to view these remarkable creatures during their time onshore.
Filmed in February of 2016 with a Canon Rebel T4i.
Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery, San Simeon, California
Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery, Highway 1 Near San Simeon, California, May 15, 2012
See also:
The Wild Elephant Seal Rookery, Big Sur, California
A one day-old baby seal hangs with his mommy, while the big boys fight for territory! See more:
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Elephant Seal Rookery San Simeon
Elephant Seals at Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery -- San Simeon, CA
Amazing creatures!
From elephantseal.org:
The northern elephant seal is the largest seal in the northern hemisphere and the second largest seal in the world (after the southern elephant seal). Adult males are 14 to 16 feet in length and 4,000 to 5,000 pounds in weight. The females are much smaller at about 9 to 12 feet in length and weigh 900 to 1,800 pounds.
Elephant seals derive their name from their great size and from the male's large nose, which serves to intimidate other males both through its size and its effect on their loud challenge call in the competition for females. Males begin developing this enlarged nose, or proboscis, when they reach puberty at about five years, and it is fully developed by eight to nine years.
They spend eight to ten months a year in the open ocean, diving 1000 to 5800 feet deep for periods of fifteen minutes to two hours, and migrating thousands of miles, twice a year, to their land-based rookery for birthing, breeding, molting, and rest.
Elephant Seal Rookery San Simeon
Video of sea lion mating grounds along Highway 1 south of San Simeon, California.
Elephant Seal Rookery
The January time frame brings Northern Elephant Seals from deep Pacific waters on their 10,000 mile-per-year migratory cycle to select beaches along California's central coast to give birth and to mate. The rookery is the colony for Elephant Seals while they are on land. As mammals, Elephant Seals give birth to their pups and mate only on land. This short film presentation, captured in high definition, highlights the activity and sounds of the rookery including males battling for turf and for their harems, females nursing their pups and mating. A visit to the rookery during this time reveals the full circle of life of this incredible species, which was hunted to the brink of extinction near the end of the nineteenth century. Today, thanks to protections enacted in the early twentieth century, Northern Elephant Seals thrive and they number well over 250,000. This video was made at the rookery at Piedras Blancas State Beach near San Simeon, California on January 18-19, 2015. Piedras Blancas is the largest mainland rookery with as many as 3,000 adults and 1,000 pups or more each year.
Elephant Seals - Elephant Seal Vista Point San Simeon - California 2019
This is the best spot in the world to watch wild elephant seals. I was there at the beginning of november. Unfortunately there where no adult male elephant seals. Only females and some sub-adult males. It was still really amazying to watch these wild animals. Please enjoy.
Northern elephant seal : (Mirounga angustirostris)
IUCN Status : Least Concern
Elephant seals - San Simeon, California
Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery - San Simeon, California
Elephant Seal Breeding Grounds, San Simeon, CA
This is the Point Piedras Blancas elephant seal rookery in San Simeon, CA, just north of the Hearst Castle. This film was made in mid-January 2010. It was foggy off and on, and cold. Video was shot with a Canon 7D and 70-200mm f2.8L lens. It was my first film using a DSLR that I had just bought prior to the trip, so I wasn't exactly sure what I was doing. I edited the footage in Premiere Pro CS5, a program I know almost nothing about. Hope you enjoy the film; the seals are a lot of fun to watch, especially the crying pups.
Elephant Seals San Simeon Rookery
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Elephant Seals Paradise 2009 Pacific Coast Highway, California
Elephant seal refugee near BIg Sur.
The Piedras Blancas elephant seal rookery
San Simeon, California USA.
July, 2009.
Northern elephant seals:
Length up to 16 ft (5 m)
Weight up to 6,000 lb (2,700 kg)
They are super stinky!!
Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal rookery, San Simeon, CA 2/5/15
Elephant Seals with pups. Thursday morning February 5th, 2015.
Hearst Castle and Elephant Seal Rookery
A trip to Hearst Castle and Elephant Seal Rookery.
Hearst Castle is a National Historic Landmark and California Historical Landmark mansion located on the Central Coast of California, United States. Location: 750 Hearst Castle Rd, San Simeon, CA 93452
This is a popular spot to observe elephant seals. It has a boardwalk & viewing areas. Located at Plaza del Cavalier, 250 San Simeon Ave, San Simeon, CA 93452.
Elephant seals throwing sand on themselves - San Simeon, California
Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery - San Simeon, California
Elephant Seal Vista Point, San-Simeon [HD]
Elephant Seal Vista Point in San-Simeon, CA.
April 2014.
Filmed by Sony 100.
Breeding elephant seals at San Simeon
Huge elephant seals come to the central California coast every winter to give birth to their young. They nurse the pups for about 4 weeks and then are ready to breed again. The 4,000 pound males lie on the beach seemingly asleep but keep a close eye on their harums. Often they fight each other for breeding rights. Their weight limits their mobility on land and gives them a clumsy appearance but they can be quite dangerous. The State has had to fence off many miles of the hiway near Hearst Castle to keep these behemoths off the pavement.
Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery
Stills and video footage of the elephant seal rookery near San Simeon, California.
Music during the birthing scenes is Sea by George Winston.
Filmed January 4-7, 2016