1. Castle of CsobancGyulakeszi This list of castles in Hungary article consists mostly of the well-known castles on the territory of today's Hungary. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
2. Sumeg CastleSumeg Sümeg Castle is a castle by the town of Sümeg, Veszprém county, Hungary.Built in the mid or late 13th century by Béla IV of Hungary, Sümeg Castle is situated atop a mountain called Castle Hill, 20 miles north of Lake Balaton. During its existence, it has been expanded several times. In the 15th century, it was fortified, and the second of two towers was built. It has been under siege several times, and has experienced two fires. Today, it is the main tourist attraction for visitors to Sümeg. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Egy szép táj kis hazánkból... (Beautiful landscape from Hungary)
A Balaton-felvidék egyik legszebb tája a Szent György-hegy és környéke. Ezt mutatja be a videó egy helyi szemén át. Please watch my favorite landscape in Hungary. Sorry for the bad quality. Was better before i uploaded.