TOP 10 cities of AZERBAIJAN
In this video you will get to know about the top 10 cities of Azerbaijan. You will be informed about the population, economy and geographical position of the cities. You will hear both from me and see the short video infos.
Best Places to Visit in Azerbaijan || Azerbaijan Tourist Attractions
Best Places to Visit in Azerbaijan || Azerbaijan Tourist Attractions | IB TRAVEL
Some travelers believe that the beauty of a traveling nation lies only in the capital cities. However true it may be, there are unexplored towns and cities – apart from the capital city – which shouldn’t be left out in your vacation. And Azerbaijan towns exactly match this statement!
Top Five cities of Azerbaijan
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Duzdag Cave in Nakhchivan Azerbaijan
Altitude of 1,173 meters above sea level Duzdağ Cave asthma therapy is based Autonomous Republic of Nakhichevan. Asthma therapy center is 2 km from our hotel.
The cave in the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic and the Ministry of Health, including private Duzdağ Hotel Asthma Therapy center are 2 separate treatment center essentials. Asthma Therapy Duzdağ hotel consisting of concrete blocks with central air-flow interrupt your mind all the needs of patients and generated a total of 5 galleries scattered refakatçilerinin 5-star hotel, service quality approach 47 rooms, 128 beds, cafeteria, TV lounge and the library of the complex, offers a service to you.
Special Duzdağ Hotel asthma therapy center, a doctor, 24-hour security, cleaning, treatment of the patients under the supervision of nurses during the day casual comfort of our hotel rooms, aqua park, outdoor - indoor pools, basketball, football, tennis, sports and health centers, fatigue and stress of the day can throw.
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Azerbaijan Travel Guide - Totally Unique Experience
Azerbaijan Travel Guide - Totally Unique Experience
Azerbaijan is the largest country in the Caucasus and variously considered part of Europe or Asia. The country lies on the Caspian Sea. It borders Russia and Georgia to the north, Armenia to the west, and Iran in the south. Through the autonomous exclave of Nakhchivan, which lies between Armenia and Iran, Azerbaijan also shares a short border with Turkey.
Azerbaijan Different regions and cities :
Absheron Economic Region
Absheron (Abşeron)
Khizi (Xızı)
Baku (Bakı)
Sumqayit (Sumqayıt)
Aran Economic Region
Aghjabadi (Ağcabədi)
Aghdash (Ağdaş)
Barda (Bərdə)
Beylagan (Beyləqan)
Bilasuvar (Biləsuvar)
Goychay (Göyçay)
Hajigabul (Hacıqabul)
Imishli (İmişli)
Kurdamir (Kürdəmir)
Neftchala (Neftçala)
Saatly (Saatlı)
Sabirabad (Sabirabad)
Salyan (Salyan)
Ujar (Ucar)
Yevlakh (Yevlax)
Zardab (Zərdab)
Mingachevir (Mingəçevir)
Shirvan (Şirvan)
Yevlakh (Yevlax)
Aghsu (Ağsu)
Gobustan (Qobustan)
Ismailly (İsmayıllı)
Shamakhy (Şamaxı)
Aghstafa (Ağstafa)
Dashkasan (Daşkəsən)
Gadabay (Gədəbəy)
Gazakh (Qazax)
Goygol (Göygöl)
Goranboy (Goranboy)
Samukh (Samux)
Shamkir (Şəmkir)
Tovuz (Tovuz)
Ganja (Gəncə)
Naftalan (Naftalan)
Guba (Quba)
Gusar (Qusar)
Khachmaz (Xaçmaz)
Shabran (Şabran)
Siyazan (Siyəzən)
Gubadly (Qubadlı)
Kalbajar (Kəlbəcər)
Lachin (Laçın)
Zangilan (Zəngilan)
Astara (Astara)
Jalilabad (Cəlilabad)
Lankaran (Lənkəran)
Lerik (Lerik)
Masally (Masallı)
Yardimly (Yardımlı)
Lankaran (Lənkəran)
Babek (Babək)
Julfa (Culfa)
Kangarli (Kəngərli)
Ordubad (Ordubad)
Sadarak (Sədərək)
Shahbuz (Şahbuz)
Sharur (Şərur)
Nakhchivan (Naxçıvan)
Balakan (Balakən)
Gabala (Qəbələ)
Gakh (Qax)
Oghuz (Oğuz)
Shaki (Şəki)
Zaqatala (Zaqatala)
Shaki (Şəki)
Aghdam (Ağdam)
Fuzuli (Füzuli)
Jabrayil (Cəbrayıl)
Khojaly (Xocalı)
Khojavend (Xocavənd)
Shusha (Şuşa)
Tartar (Tərtər)
Khankendi (Xankəndi)
Shusha (Şuşa)
Azerbaijan is known for having nine of the 11 defined ecological zones. Much of the country is temperate year-round. Nation-wide the average temperature for the year is 14-15°C (57-59°F). The Caucasus Mountains protect the country from the Arctic air masses that affect Russia in winter while the Caspian Sea shields it from the hot, dry air of Central Asia in the summer.
Cabbage, grape leaves, and eggplant wrapped meat (kelem, yarpaq, badimjan - dolmasi), kabab (kebab), rice with different variety of toppings (plov - It is said that plov is the king of Azerbaijani cuisine), gutabs and meatballs (kufta) are some of the several specialties of Azerbaijan.
Some local drinks include ayran (a yogurt drink based on sour milk) and sherbet (made from rose petals or saffron). There are also different sorts of quite decent wines produced from local grapes and a wide array of mineral waters from natural springs. In some areas of Azerbaijan the markets offer lemonades (limonat/dushes) made from pears or taragon.
There is a good selection of hotels in Baku, including many Western chains, but options elsewhere in the country are limited. Prices for the hotels start from USD60 and higher. Rental apartments might be a good choice as they are cheaper than hotels and sometimes are even more comfortable.
A lot to see in Azerbaijan such as :
Maiden Tower
Palace of the Shirvanshahs
Old City
Gobustan National Park
Heydar Aliyev Center
Yanar Dag
Flame Towers
Ateshgah of Baku
Azerbaijan Carpet Museum
Baku Boulevard
Fountains Square, Baku
Palace of Shaki Khans
Martyrs' Lane
Lake Göygöl
Mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan
Mount Shahdagh
Bibi-Heybat Mosque
Nizami Street
Baku Museum of Miniature Books
Nizami Museum of Azerbaijani Literature
Baku Museum of Modern Art
Diri Baba Mausoleum
National History Museum of Azerbaijan
Juma Mosque, Shamakhi
Azerbaijan National Art Museum
Azerbaijan State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater
Momine Khatun Mausoleum
Taza Pir Mosque
Amburan Beach Club
Baku Zoo
Flag square
Baku Ferris Wheel
Philarmonic Garden
Ismailiyya building
Talysh Mountains
Dalga Beach Aquapark Resort
Highland Park
Absheron National Park
Heydar Mosque
Palace of Happiness
Quadrangular castle
Nizami Mausoleum
Megafun Entertainment Center
Tufandag Mountain Resort
Upland Park
Boyuk Zira
Göygöl National Park
Azerbaijan is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Azerbaijan. Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Azerbaijan
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Azerbaijan (Beautiful Şəki Bazar-Market) Part 25
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Sheki (Azerbaijani: Şəki; until 1968 Nukha, Azerbaijani: Nuxa; also known as Nucha, Noukha, Shäki, Sheki and Shaki) is Azerbaijan's true travel gem, a small city off on the forested slopes of the Greater Caucasus Mountains. Etymology of the town’s name derived to the ancient times when this region of Azerbaijan was inhabited by tribe named “sakas” 6-7 age BC. Rich in Islamic architecture, Silk Road history, good food, and friendly people, this is travel and leisure in the Caucasus at its finest.
Shaki is surrounded by snowy peaks of the Greater Caucasus, which in some places reaches 3000–3600 m. Shaki's climate includes a range of cyclones and anticyclones, air masses and local winds. The average annual temperature in Shaki is 12 °C. In June and August, average temperature varies between 20 and 25 °C.
The mountain forests around the area prevent the city from floods and overheating of the area during summer. The main rivers of the city are the Kish and Gurjhana. During the Soviet rule of Azerbaijan, many ascended to Shaki to bathe in its prestigious mineral springs.
The number of Shaki population is 174.1 thousand people. Including, the rural population is 105.7 thousand people, while the urban population is 66.9 thousand people. Population density is 72 people per 1 square kilometer. Of the total population, 86.4 thousand or 49.6% of men, 87.7 thousand or 50.4% are women. 38.4 percent of the population lives in the city and 61.6 percent lives in the village.
In 2010, Shaki was visited by 15,000 foreign tourists from all around the world.
Shaki has one of the greatest density of cultural resources and monuments that include 2700 years of Azerbaijani history. The city boasts a lot of houses with red roofs. In pop culture, probably the most famous feature of Shakinians are their nice sense of humour and comic tales.Shaki's comic tales hero Hacı dayı (Uncle Haji) is the subject of nearly all jokes in the area.
Shaki has always played a central role in Azerbaijani art and more generally in the art and architecture of Azerbaijan. Under the name of Nukha, the city is the scene of much of the action in Brecht's play The Caucasian Chalk Circle.
Perhaps the best-known aspect of Shaki cooking is its rich sweet dishes. Shaki is traditionally held as the home of special type of baklava, called Shaki Halva. Others include nabat boiled sugar and sweet pesheveng.
Shaki also has some famous dishes, including girmabadam, zilviya, piti, a stew created with meat and potatoes and prepared in a terracotta pot.
The city is home of annual Mugham Festival and Silk Road International Music Festival.
The regional channel Kanal-S, newspapers Shaki and Shakinin Sasi are headquartered in the city.Wikipedia
Top 9 Things to See in Baku
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Introducing Azerbaijan Weather
Baku has a subtropical semi-arid climate (Köppen climate classification: BSk) with warm and dry summers, cool and occasionally wet winters, and strong winds all year long. However, unlike many other cities with this climate, Baku does not see extremely hot summers. This is largely because of its northerly latitude and the fact that it is located on a peninsula on the shore of the Caspian Sea. Baku and the Absheron Peninsula on which it is situated, is the most arid part of Azerbaijan (precipitation here is around or less than 200 mm (8 in) a year).
The majority of the light annual precipitation occurs in seasons other than summer, but none of these months are particularly wet. During Soviet times, Baku with its long hours of sunshine and dry healthy climate, was a vacation destination where citizens could enjoy beaches or relax in now-dilapidated spa complexes overlooking the Caspian Sea. The city's past as a Soviet industrial center has left it as one of the most polluted cities in the world.
At the same time Baku is noted as a very windy city throughout the year, and gale-force winds, the cold northern wind khazri and the warm southern wind gilavar are typical here in all seasons. Indeed, the city is renowned for its fierce winter snow storms and harsh winds.
The speed of the khazri sometimes reaches 144 kph (89 mph), which can cause damage to crops, trees and roof tiles.
The daily mean temperature in July and August averages 26.4 °C (79.5 °F), and there is very little rainfall during that season. During summer the khazri sweeps through, bringing desired coolness. Winter is cool and occasionally wet, with the daily mean temperature in January and February averaging 4.3 °C (39.7 °F). During winter the khazri sweeps through; driven by masses of polar air; temperatures on the coast frequently drop below freezing and make it feel bitterly cold. Winter snow storms are occasional, snow usually remains only for a few days after each snowfall.
The average annual temperature in Baku and that of the Earth differ by less than 0.1 °C (0.18 °F) : it is 14.2 °C (57.6 °F).
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Armenia/Yerevan (To Mt. Ararat-Ağrı Dağı) Part 4
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Mount Ararat,(Ağrı Dağı): 5165 m.
Mount Ararat is a snow-capped and dormant compound volcano in the extreme east of Turkey. It consists of two major volcanic cones: Greater Ararat, the highest peak in Turkey and the Armenian plateau with an elevation of 5,165 m (16,854 ft); and Little Ararat, with an elevation of 3,896 m (12,782 ft). The Ararat massif is about 40 km (25 mi) in diameter.
Despite the scholarly consensus that the mountains of Ararat of the Book of Genesis do not refer to specifically Mt. Ararat, it has been widely accepted in Christianity as the resting place of Noah's Ark. It is the principal national symbol of Armenia and has been considered a sacred mountain by Armenians. It is featured prominently in Armenian literature and art and is an icon for Armenian irredentism. Along with Noah's Ark, it is depicted on the coat of arms of Armenia.The first efforts to reach Ararat's summit were made in the Middle Ages. However, it was not until 1829 when Friedrich Parrot and Khachatur Abovian, accompanied by four others, made the first recorded ascent.
Geography: Mount Ararat is located in the Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey between the provinces of Ağrı and Iğdır, near the border with Iran, Armenia and Nakhchivan exclave of Azerbaijan, between the Aras and Murat rivers. Its summit is located some 16 km (10 mi) west of the Turkey-Iran border and 32 km (20 mi) south of the Turco-Armenian border. The Ararat plain runs along its northwest to western side.
Elevation: An elevation of 5,165 m (16,946 ft) for Mount Ararat is still given by some authorities. However, a number of other sources, such as public domain and verifiable Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (STRM) data and a 2007 GPS measurement show that the alternatively widespread figure of 5,137 m (16,854 ft) is probably more accurate, and that the current elevation may be even lower due to the melting of its snow-covered ice cap. 5,137 m is also supported by numerous topographic maps.
Political borders: Mount Ararat forms a near-quadripoint between Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran. From the 16th century until 1828 Great Ararat's summit and the northern slopes, along with the eastern slopes of Little Ararat were part of Persia, while the range was part of the Ottoman-Persian border. Following the 1826–28 Russo-Persian War and the Treaty of Turkmenchay, the Persian controlled territory was ceded to the Russian Empire. Little Ararat became the point where the Turkish, Persian, and Russian imperial frontiers converged.The current international boundaries were formed throughout the 20th century. Wikipedia
Nakhchivan Azerbaijan
The main city and capital of the Nakhchivan Republic, also called Nakhchivan, was an ancient trading centre. Some historians consider that it was founded in the 16th century BC. The Greeks and Romans called it Nacksuana/Naxuana (from the Greek for sweet water). As early as the 2nd century BC it is mentioned by Ptolomy as a thriving city. It is spread over the foothills of Zangezur chain, on the right bank of the Nakhchivan River at an altitude of almost 1000 m.
Столица Нахчыванской Автономной Республики - город Нахчывань расположен у самой границы с Ираном на берегу реки Нахчывань чай. По народному приданию, он был заложен еще Ноем после Всемирного Потопа. Достоверно известно, что город был основан около 1,5 тыс. лет до н. э.
С давних времен путешественники и поэты восхищались этим прекрасным местом и считали его одним из самых красивых и преуспевающих городов Востока.
За всю свою долгую историю, город Нахчывань неоднократно подвергался нашествию и разграбление монголами, турками и сарацинами, но всегда восстанавливался и вновь расцветал.
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Baku (Azerbaijan) - One of the Most Beautiful World’s Cities
Baku is the capital and largest city of Azerbaijan, as well as the largest city on the Caspian Sea and of the Caucasus region, with a population of 2,374,000.Baku is located 28 metres (92 ft) below sea level, which makes it the lowest lying national capital in the world and also the largest city in the world located below sea level
#Baku #Azerbaijan #AzerbaijanTourism